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Drone telemetry visualization project at FERI. Contains final project product, usable for remote telemetry viewing of any drone data (MAVLink currently supported). Certain tasks from T-13/DroneTasks were merged and included.

This repository contains everything required to set up the software visualization. Refer to the wiki for detailed documentation on flight firmware, hardware components, wiring and getting data to DroneVis.




  • 3D Rotation Visualization
    • Model Selection
    • Object Color Selection
  • Graph Visualization
    • Attitude (Pitch, Roll, Yaw)
    • RC Channels (up to 8)
    • Arm Status
    • Heading
    • Throttle
    • RSSI (Receive Signal Strength Indicator)
    • Load
    • Battery (Voltage, Current, Remaining)
    • Communication Link (Drop Rate, Error Count)
    • Time Since Boot
  • Giver applications
    • MAVLink decoder



Django web application (vis) serves static front-end website, runs sqlite database and provides websocket API for givers (below).


Client applications which obtain data, decode it if necessary and send it to server for visualization. Also known as providers.

All gives are named and can be executed directly, in the background they import which handles the overall connection to DroneVis Server. Simply subclassing Giver allows for easy implementation of any protocols, decoders or generators.

Current Givers:

  • Random (test/example)
  • MAVLink (via serial port, using pymavlink)



  • Install Docker
  • [Linux] Install Docker Compose
  • Run Docker (or docker.service on Linux)
  • Run $ docker-compose build to build the Docker image
  • Run $ docker-compose up to run the image

Docker automatically loads vis/fixtures/initial_data.json fixture with 4 models and test admin account (admin:admin, accessible from /admin).


Ubuntu (18.0.4)


  • Python 3.5 or newer (Ubuntu 18.0.4 has 3.6.5 by default)
  • Django
    • pip3 install django
  • Django channels 2.0
    • pip3 install channels
  • Filtering support
    • pip3 install django-filter
  • Improved html template filtering
    • pip3 install django-mathfilters
  • Proper static bootstrap include
    • pip3 install django-bootstrap3
    • pip3 install django-bootstrap-static
  • Proper static fontawesome include
    • pip3 install django-fontawesome
  • Proper static jquery include
    • pip3 install django-jquery
  • A web server, for example: redis
    • sudo apt install redis-server
  • Correct channel layer backend for Django Channels: channels_redis
    • pip3 install channels_redis

Simple step by step guide

  1. Clone this repository
  2. If desired create python3 virtual environment else skip this step
    • python3-dev package required
    • sudo -H pip3 install virtualenv
    • $ virtualenv myEnvironment
    • $ source myEnvironment/bin/activate
  3. pip3 install django-filter django-mathfilters django-bootstrap3 django-bootstrap-static django-fontawesome django-jquery channels channels_redis
  4. sudo apt install redis-server
  5. sudo service redis-server start
  6. $ cd server
  7. python3 runserver

If using python3 virtualenv pip is pip3 and python is python3