Collection of Reliable Data Container Structures for Standard C
- Define your type
typedef struct {
char name[20];
int param_a;
unsigned int param_b;
} NameAndValue;
- Allocate space for the container
#define STACKSIZE 16
NameAndValue name_and_values[STACKSIZE];
- Initialize the container
DcsStack nv_stack = dcsstack_init(sizeof(NameAndValue), STACKSIZE, name_and_values);
- Use the container
NameAndValue nv0 = {"Foo", -123, 4};
dcsstack_push(&nv_stack, &nv0);
int nv_size = dcsstack_size(&nv_stack);
// etc.
Either clone the git source or download and extract the zip. Cloning git source is preferred.
First, you need to run aclocal
Next, run autoconf
Finally, run automake --add-missing
automake --add-missing
The INSTALL file already describes how to run the configure
Installation prefix, compiler, target platform, etc. can be overridden at this step.
make install
The make process compiles -along with other source files- the example files. The example binaries are placed in the examples directory. Check them out, e.g.,
Structure | Description | Implementation | Documentation | Tests | Examples |
DcsFIFO | Circular buffer based FIFO | missing | missing | missing | missing |
DcsHashSet | Capacity constrained hashset | READY | READY | missing | 2 |
DcsHS | Size optimized hashset | missing | missing | missing | missing |
DcsHoF | Hall of Fame -- stores Top N elements | READY | READY | missing | 1 |
DcsLinSet | Array based, ordered set | READY | in progress | missing | missing |
DcsHashMultiMap | Multiple values with the same key | missing | missing | missing | missing |
DcsStack | Simple, size constrained stack | READY | missing | missing | 1 |
No dynamic memory allocation
Memory area has to be allocated by the user. Initializer functions take a reference to the pre-allocated memory area as parameter.
Access to container elements via byte pointers
Standard C language does not support templates. There are multiple ways to overcome this gap. BilisDcs has chosen to employ the generic type: byte pointer (ElementPtr). Also, the size of the stored type (itemsize) always must be given at initialization of the container structure.
Iterators and iterator functions
are defined for each container. Since the standard C language does not support operator overload, operators on iterators are also defined as functions:~_iterator_equals()