This bot reads off a CSV file as a data store of managed investment products, allowing users to query funds by name or ISIN and obtain a data flashcard of the requested fund.
- Python 3
The following fields must be present in data csv for the bot to function
- Funds
- Factsheet / Offering Material (via Fundinfo)
- Fund Specific Materials (via Intranet)
- Base Ccy
- Last Bloomberg Update
- Latest NAV
- 1 Mth Return (%)
- 3 Mths Return (%)
- YTD Return (%)
- 1 Yr Return (%)
- 3 Yr Ann Return (%)
- 3 Yr Ann Std Dev (%)
- ISIN (base ccy)
- Is this a High Yield Bond Fund (Yes/No)
- Risk Rating
- AR*
- Investment Objective
- Investment Tenor
- Investment Time Horizon
- Dealing Frequency (Subscription) Refer to Funds Identifier tab for Notice Period
- Loss Absorption Product
- Complex Product
- Extra Remarks
Fill up resources/config.json
with the appropriate values for pod information,
service account details, data file location and the name of the admin room.
"sessionAuthHost": "[pod]",
"sessionAuthPort": 443,
"keyAuthHost": "[pod]",
"keyAuthPort": 443,
"podHost": "[pod]",
"podPort": 443,
"agentHost": "[pod]",
"agentPort": 443,
"authType": "rsa",
"botPrivateKeyPath": "rsa/",
"botPrivateKeyName": "rsa-private-tradeview-bot.pem",
"botUsername": "tradeview-bot",
"botEmailAddress": "[email protected]",
"truststorePath": "internal_truststore",
"dataFilePath": "/path/to/data.csv",
"adminRoomName": "TradeView Bot Admin Room"
- For the very first deployment, prepare the environment:
python -m venv ./venv
source ./venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
For offline installs, first prepare the offline package on a different server running the same OS:
mkdir offline && cd offline
pip download -r ../requirements.txt
Then move the offline directory to the deployment server and perform offline install:
pip install --no-index --find-links offline -r requirements.txt
- Run the bot:
python python/