Bug tracking tool for every day use.
BugMEE is a easy-to-use web application tool to track and manage bugs for any large or small scale project. This is a unique site that also integrates with data charts to better visualize team and tech stack performances.
- Node.js
- Express
- Express-Validator
- Config
- Mongoose
- Request
- JavaScript (ES6)
- CSS3
- React.js
- React-DOM
- React-Router-DOM
- React-Materialize
- React-Scripts
- Chart.js
- React-Chartjs-2
- Material-UI
- Materialize-CSS
To try out this project:
- Clone the GitHub repository locally to your computer
- In the command line, navigate to the root directory of the repository, and type the following: $ npm install
- Navigate to the client folder, and in the root directory of the client folder, type the following: $ npm install
- In the client folder, and in the root directory of the client folder, type the following: $ npm start / yarn start
- Navigate back to the root directory of this project "/GitConnect" and start the server by typing the following: $ npx nodemon server / npm start
- Full stack web application utilizing the MERN stack: MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js.
- Authorization and authenication implemented with JWT and bcrypt.
- Front-End styles and chart components built with Materialize and Chart.js.
- Users can create account through application.
- Users can add profile information, profile image, and team members.
- View and analyze ticket data through charts that includes: Ticket Severity Count, Pending/Completed Tickets, Frequency of Tickets Posted Per Month, Languages/Frameworks associated with Tickets.
- Create new tickets and update them as they get processed.
- Add team members to your group to track tickets that you are associated with.
- Interact with team members utilizing the comments feature.
BugMEE was born out of my experiences building large scale projects in hackathons, and I wanted to develop a tool that would allow developers to track source code bugs in an easy-to-use format that would facilitate collaborations.