This is a simple command-line implementation of the classic Hangman game in Python.
First, install the required library:
pip install random-word
Generates a random word for the game.
: Initializes the RandomWords instance.get_random_word()
: Returns a random, lowercase alphabetic word.
Represents a player in the game.
: Initializes the player with a given name.get_guess(guessed_letters)
: Prompts the player to guess a letter, ensuring it's valid and not already guessed.
Keeps track of the player's wins and losses.
: Initializes wins and losses to zero.record(outcome)
: Updates the scoreboard based on the game outcome.
The main game logic.
: Sets up the game, including generating a random word, initializing the player, and setting initial game states.start_game()
: Greets the player.display_hangman()
: Displays the hangman figure based on remaining guesses.play_round()
: Plays a round of Hangman, managing guesses, checking for wins/losses, and updating the scoreboard.make_guess(letter)
: Updates the game state based on the player's guess.format_word_with_guesses()
: Formats and returns the word with correct guesses shown and underscores for remaining letters.
- Run the script.
- Enter your name to start the game.
- Guess letters to uncover the secret word.
- You have 5 guesses. Each incorrect guess adds a part to the hangman figure.
- Win by guessing all letters correctly before running out of guesses. Lose by failing to guess the word within the allowed guesses.
- The game keeps track of your wins and losses.
- After each round, you can choose to play again or exit.
To start the game, run:
if __name__ == "__main__":
game = Hangman()
while True:
play_again = input("Do you want to play again? (type yes to continue/no to exit): ").lower()
if not play_again:
game.secret_word = game.word_generator.get_random_word()
game.display_word = ["_"] * len(game.secret_word)
game.remaining_guesses = 5
game.guessed_letters = set()
Enjoy playing Hangman!