Find double, triple, quad witch hut on a set seed
Download Video or Audio from YouTube channels on a schedule via yt-dlp.
📺 A self-hosted, YouTube based application that recreates the feel of a TV channel. CouchTube schedules YouTube video playback dynamically from user-defined channel lists. Customize, share, and sub…
Open-source media request and discovery manager for Jellyfin, Plex, and Emby.
Movie organizer/manager for usenet and torrent users.
A very simple static homepage for your server.
Docker image for Prowlarr/Prowlarr
VPN client in a thin Docker container for multiple VPN providers, written in Go, and using OpenVPN or Wireguard, DNS over TLS, with a few proxy servers built-in.
A feature-rich command-line audio/video downloader
I ate poisoned grilled cheeses and now I am dying
Add-Ons are additional modules for FrankerFaceZ that provide new behaviors and ways to customize Twitch.
The new and improved version of the popular idle/incremental PokéClicker
Various scripts & enhancements for the game Pokéclicker.
The Twitch Enhancement Suite. Get custom emotes and tons of new features you'll never want to go without.
Skip YouTube video sponsors (browser extension)
A chrome/firefox addon that highlights transphobic/anti-LGBT and trans-friendly subreddits/facebook pages/groups with different colors.
Command-line program to download videos from and other video sites