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Makes, parses, converts and validates the various kinds of Sierra record ids.


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Kinds of record id

sierra-record-id uses the following terminology to refer to the different kinds of record id in Sierra.

sierra-record-id uses the term record id as an umbrella term to mean any of the kinds below. It is also the base class for sierra-record-id.

Kind/Term Example Virtual record example

Record number



Weak record key



Strong record key



Database id



Relative v4 API URL



Absolute v4 API URL

Relative v5 API URL



Absolute v5 API URL

A record key has a record type character, which a record number does not have.

A strong record key has a check digit, which a weak record key does not have.

The Sierra API uses the term record id to generally mean record number. But sometimes it means an absolute API URL.

Version 5 of the Sierra API did not introduce any changes to record ids. Any reference to v4 absolute or relative API URLs also applies to v5 absolute and relative API URLs.

The parts of a record id

The different kinds of record id are made of different parts. For example, a weak record key is made up of a record type character, a record number, and possibly a campus code. A relative v4 api url is made up of the same parts, although it looks different to a weak record key.

The parts of a record id are in so-called parts objects. These are regular objects that have particular properties. Continuing the example, the parts object you give to or get from WeakRecordKey include recordTypeChar, recNum and campusCode.

"What is recNum?" I hear you ask.

The term record number is somewhat ambiguous in Sierra. In some contexts it is the same as what sierra-record-id calls a record number. In some contexts it is the same as what sierra-record-id calls a record key. Sometimes in Sierra the term record number refers to the just the number part of record id. In sierra-record-id this is called recNum.

recNum is always a number and not a string. So it does not include other parts like the record type character or the check digit. The record type character and the check digit, if they are part of a record id will be in other properties of a parts object.

How to get started

First install sierra-record-id

npm install 'SydneyUniLibrary/sierra-record-id#v0.2.0'

Then require the library in your code

const {
        RecordId, RecordNumber, WeakRecordKey, StrongRecordKey, DatabaseId,
        RelativeV4ApiUrl, AbsoluteV4ApiUrl
    } = require('@sydneyunilibrary/sierra-record-id')

You can require just what you need. The examples below assume you required everything.

Parsing a record id string

const recordNumber = new RecordNumber('3696836')
const weakRecordKey1 = new WeakRecordKey('i3696836')
const weakRecordKey2 = new WeakRecordKey('.i3696836')
const strongRecordKey1 = new StrongRecordKey('i36968365')
const strongRecordKey2 = new StrongRecordKey('.i36968365')
const databaseId = new DatabaseId('450975262916')
const relativeV4ApiUrl = new RelativeV4ApiUrl('/v4/items/3696836')
const absoluteV4ApiUrl = new AbsoluteV4ApiUrl('')

Parsing a record id string without knowing what kind of record id it is

let unknownKind = RecordId.fromString('/v4/items/3696836')
unknownKind instanceof RelativeV4ApiUrl // => true

Building a record id from its parts

const virtualWeakRecordKey = new WeakRecordKey({
    initialPeriod: true, recordTypeChar: 'i', recNum: 3696836, campusCode: 'abcde'
virtualWeakRecordKey.toString() // => '.i3696836@abcde'

Deriving a record id from another of the same kind

const itemRecord = new WeakRecordKey('i123456@abcde')
const bibRecord = new WeakRecordKey({, recordTypeChar: 'b' })
bibRecord.toString() // => 'b123456@abcde'

Don’t use this technique to convert a record id to another kind. For that, see converting a record id into another kind.

Getting a record id’s parts
// => { initialPeriod: false, recordTypeChar: 'i', recNum: 3696836, campusCode: null }
// => { initialPeriod: true, recordTypeChar: 'i', recNum: 3696836, campusCode: 'abcde' }
// => { initialPeriod: true, recordTypeChar: 'i', recNum: 3696836, checkDigit: '5', campusCode: null }

new AbsoluteV4ApiUrl('').parts
// => { apiHost: '', apiPath: '/iii/sierra-api/', apiRecordType: 'items',
        recordTypeChar: 'i', recNum: 3696836, campusCode: 'abcde' }

The properties on the parts object depends on the kind of record id you have.

You can access the individual parts directly.

weakRecordKey1.initialPeriod // => false
weakRecordKey1.recordTypeChar // => 'i'
weakRecordKey1.recNum // => 3696836
weakRecordKey1.campusCode // => null
A RecordId object should be immutable. Do not change the parts object. If you want to change something, derive a new object or convert to a new kind of record id.

Formatting a record id as a string

recordNumber.toString() // => '3696836'
virtualWeakRecordKey.toString() // => '.i3696836@abcde'
databaseId.toString() // => '450975262916'
relativeV4ApiUrl.toString() // => '/v4/items/3696836'

toString won’t always give you the same string as what you gave to the constructor.

new RelativeV4ApiUrl('  /v4/items/3696836   ').toString() // => '/v4/items/3696836'

You can control if record keys have an initial period.

weakRecordKey1.toString() // => 'i3696836' (1)
weakRecordKey1.toString({ initialPeriod: false }) // => 'i3696836'
weakRecordKey1.toString({ initialPeriod: true }) // => '.i3696836'

weakRecordKey2.toString() // => '.i3696836' (2)
weakRecordKey2.toString({ initialPeriod: false }) // => 'i3696836'
weakRecordKey2.toString({ initialPeriod: true }) // => '.i3696836'
  1. Because weakRecordKey1.initialPeriod is false.

  2. Becasue weakRecordKey2.initialPeriod is true.

Detecting the kind of a record id

Take heed that detection is not validation.
RecordId.detect('3696836') // => RecordNumber
RecordId.detect('o324342') // => WeakRecordKey
RecordId.detect('p12856435') // => StrongRecordKey
RecordId.detect('563400925525721') // => DatabaseId
RecordId.detect('/v4/items/3696836') // => RelativeV4ApiUrl
RecordId.detect('') // => AbsoluteV4ApiUrl

Be careful of ambiguous record keys.

RecordId.detect('i3696836') // throw an Error

Validating a record id

Validation is optional in sierra-record-id because the validations can be computationally expensive.

If you are getting record ids from untrusted sources or a human, you would be wise to call validate.
strongRecordKey1.validate() // => strongRecordKey // (1)

const badCheckDigit = new StrongRecordKey('i36968360') (2)
badCheckDigit.validate() // (3)

new WeakRecordKey('s3696836').validate() // (4)
new WeakRecordKey('s3696836').validate({ apiCompatibleOnly: false }) // (5)
new WeakRecordKey('s3696836').validate({ apiCompatibleOnly: true }) // (6)

new StrongRecordKey('i36968360', { validate: true }) // (7)
new StrongRecordKey('i36968360', { validate: { apiCompatibleOnly: true } }) // (8)
  1. Actually returns this.

  2. Does not throw an error, because StrongRecordKey is able to parse the string.

  3. Throws an error because the check digit is not valid for rec num 3696836.

  4. Does not throw an error because it is a valid weak record key.

  5. This is the same as 3, because apiCompatibleOnly defaults to false.

  6. Throws an error because section records are not compatible with Sierra API, in that you cannot convert from a weak record key for a section record to either a relative v4 api url or an absolute v4 api url.

  7. This is equivalent to new StrongRecordKey('i36968360').validate().

  8. This is equivalent to new StrongRecordKey('i36968360').validate({ apiCompatibleOnly: true }).

Because validate returns this if the record id is valid, you can chain another method after it.

new StrongRecordKey('i36968365').validate().convertTo(AbsoluteV4ApiUrl)

Converting a record id into another kind

Synchronous conversions

function convertToDemo(weakRecordKey) {
    const recordNumber = weakRecordKey.convertTo(RecordNumber)
    const strongRecordKey = weakRecordKey.convertTo(StrongRecordKey)
    const databaseId = weakRecordKey.convertTo(DatabaseId)
    const relativeV4ApiUrl = weakRecordKey.convertTo(RelativeV4ApiUrl)
    const absoluteV4ApiUrl = weakRecordKey.convertTo(AbsoluteV4ApiUrl)

    weakRecordKey === weakRecordKey.convertTo(WeakRecordKey) // => true (1)

    const backToWeakRecordKey = recordNumber.convertTo(WeakRecordKey, { recordTypeCode: 'b' }) (2)
  1. Attempting to convert a record id into its own kind is efficient.

  2. If you are converting from (but not to) a RecordNumber, you have to give a recordTypeCode option.

Asynchronous conversions

You must use convertToAsync when converting to or from a database id for a virtual record because of potential database access.

function covertToAsyncDemo1(virtualWeakRecordKey) {
    const databaseId = virtualWeakRecordKey.convertTo(DatabaseId) // (1)

        .then(databaseId => {
            databaseId.toString() // => '1970745744342089' (2)

async function covertToAsyncDemo2() {
    const recordId1 = new RelativeV4ApiUrl('/v4/items/3696836@abcde')
    const databaseId = await recordId1.convertToAsync(DatabaseId)
    const recordId2 = await databaseId.convertToAsync(RelativeV4ApiUrl)
    recordId1.toString() === recordId2.toString() // => true
  1. Throws an error because convertTo was used instead of convertToAsync.

  2. This is just an example result. The actual result will vary between Sierra sites.

convertToAsync has not been implemented yet. It is expect to be implemented by v1.0.

Additional setup

Setup needed to work with database ids for virtual records

If you need to converting to or from database ids for virtual records, you will need to set up access to the Sierra database. Follow the instruction on how to use sierra-db-as-promised. If you don’t do this, then convertToAsync will throw an error.

Setup needed to work with absolute URLs to the Sierra API

If you need to convert to absolute API URLs you will need to configure Sierra’s host name. You do this in a way that is compatible with sierra-api-as-promised. In other words, if you have already set up sierra-api-as-promised you are already set up for using Sierra API URLs with sierra-record-id.

At a minimum, you need to set SIERRA_API_HOST in your process’s environment.


Copyright (c) 2017 The University of Sydney Library

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see


Makes, parses, converts and validates the various kinds of Sierra record ids.








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