Template repo for creating a new Bicep deployment.
This is the template that will be deployed. You should add modules here.
This PowerShell script will deploy your main.bicep template.
./deploy.ps1 -UseParameterFile
-- OR --
./deploy.ps1 -UsePSParameters -Environment 'test' ...
The modules in this folder are modules that contain re-usable outputs.
You should create your own modules folder and reference those modules from main.bicep or other modules.
Here are the common parameters defined by the template main.bicep:
- location: The Azure region to target for deployments.
- environment: An environment value, such as "dev."
- workloadName: The name of the workload to be deployed. This will be used to name deployments and to complete the naming convention.
- sequence (optional, defaults to
) - tags (optional, defaults to none)
- namingConvention (optional, defaults to
): the structure of the Azure resources names. Use placeholders as follows:- {rtype}: The resource type. Your main.bicep should replace {rtype} with the recommended Azure resource type abbreviation as found at https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/cloud-adoption-framework/ready/azure-best-practices/resource-abbreviations.
- {workloadName}: Replaced with the value of the
parameter. - {env}: Replaced with the value of the
parameter. - {loc}: Replaced with the value of the
parameter. - {seq}: Replaced with the string value of the sequence parameter, always formatted as two digits.
When not using a template parameter file, these parameters are passed to the deployment from the PowerShell script using a $TemplateParameters
PowerShell object, which uses parameter splatting for increased resilience.