SMLHelper is a complete library that helps you out on your Subnautica modding adventures by making adding new items, changing items, adding models, sprites a LOT easier. Check out the wiki page for details on how to use it.
We would love to have people contribute to SMLHelper. To get started, first fork the repo and then clone it, and then copy Assembly-CSharp.dll and Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll (located in your Subnautica_Data/Managed folder) to the Dependencies folder. Then, load up the solution, make your edits and PR them!
(Last updated: August 19th 2018)
- Base Clocks by Fenolpthalien
- Base Light Switch by ahk1221
- Cheat Manager by senna7608
- Custom Craft 2 (for SMLHelper V2) by PrimeSonic
- Custom Item Sizes by AlexejheroYTB
- CustomFood by yenzgaming
- CustomFood2 by yenzgaming
- CustomHullPlates by ahk1221
- Deconstruct Fire Extinguishers by AlexejheroYTB
- Decorations Mod by OSubMarin
- Egg Info - Improved Alien Containment by yenzgaming
- ExteriorPlantPots by ahk1221
- Laser Cannon by senna7608
- More Cyclops Upgrades by PrimeSonic
- More Ingots by AlexejheroYTB
More Hull Plates by AlexejheroYTB- MoreSeamothUpgrades by ahk1221
- Scanner Module by senna7608
- Refillable Oxygen Tanks by newman55
- Removed Items Crafter by joostjasper
- Repair Module by senna7608
- Replenish Reactor Rods by AlexejheroYTB
- Unpack Ingots (Titanium and Plasteel) by AlexejheroYTB
UnpackTitaniumIngots by Vlad00003- Upgraded Vehicles by PrimeSonic
- Vehicle Module Fabricator by PrimeSonic
- Vehicle Upgrades In Cyclops by PrimeSonic
- Warp Cannon (QMods) by ahk1221