- added completly new gson parser capable of types, see more here: https://pub.dev/packages/gson
- added operators to Score: +, -, *, /, %, <, >, <=, >=. >>, &
- added Entity.Self Constructor as a shortcut
- added Entity kill, raycast, teleport, give, replaceitem, particle, crash, tellraw, tp, execute, exec, execStrait, asat, as, at, joinTeam, leaveTeam and forEach Methods.
- added Data Manipulation within Entity with dataMerge, dataGet, dataRemove and dataModify methods
- added Selector
- added Tp Widget
- added RestAction, RestActionAble and StraitWidget to support underlying structure
- added Area.rel
- added Area.fromRanges
- added exact parameter for Range to support single matches
- added EntityType operator == to match same Types
- rewritten Execute with StraitWidget
- rewritten Entity addTag, addTags, removeTag, removeTags
- moved the cli commands and related files to a new package here: https://pub.dev/packages/objd_cli
- fixed missing seperator when using multiple scores in Entity
- fixed missing items and added documentation references
- fixed that global Location does not cut of last double digit(1.0)
- fixed unnessesary required value with Tag
- fixed that Entity.copyWith just returned null
A big thanks goes to Minimine who actually did most of the new additions, the new gson package and bug fixes. Thanks for contributing!
Check out his projects here: https://github.com/MinimineLP
Thanks as well for the critical bugs reports by Mastermori!