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A Unity package that contains helper classes to store and evaluate user input.


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This Unity package contains a series of classes that help with the storage and processing of (user) inputs.

While Unity's own Input System is very useful for abstracting input on the hardware level, there are some limitations on the processing front. InputActions fire performed and canceled events when input is detected, but the context of these events is meant to be discarded as soon as they are processed. The classes in this package act as intermediary data structures to evaluate inputs over a longer range of time.


The Button class stores pressed/released (bool) input values, and offers some specialised helper methods to interpret button presses/releases over time.

Setting Button values

A Button's value can be updated in two primary ways:

  1. Manually, through the Button.Press(), Button.Release(), or Button.Toggle() methods.
  2. By attaching an InputAction to the Button with Button.RegisterInputAction(), or by specifying the InputAction upon instantiation. This causes the Button to subscribe to the performed and canceled events of said InputAction, and removes the need to use manual methods listed above.

Reading Button values

A Button whose value is reliably updated can be read from. A Button offers various ways of doing so. These include:

  1. The bool property Button.Value returns the most recently set value of the Button. A Button can also be implicitly converted to a bool value.
  2. How long a Button has been pressed or released in frames (int) or seconds (float) is returned by methods such as Button.GetPressDurationFrames(), Button.GetPressDurationSeconds(), Button.GetReleaseDurationFrames(), and Button.GetReleaseDurationSeconds().
  3. Methods such as Button.Pressed(), Button.PressedOnCurrentFrame(), Button.Released(), and Button.ReleasedOnCurrentFrame() help with detecting individual button presses/releases. Button.Accept() or optional parameters in the prior methods can be used to acknowledge such button presses/releases, so the Button doesn't return them more than once.
  4. The Button remembers when it was last pressed/released. This can be used to acknowledge presses/releases that happened before the current frame, thus enabling "buffered" button presses. The methods Button.PressedInFrameBuffer(), Button.PressedInTimeBuffer(), Button.ReleasedInFrameBuffer(), and Button.ReleasedInTimeBuffer() can be used for this.
  5. The Button exposes events (Button.OnValueChanged, Button.OnPressed, and Button.OnReleased), which can be subscribed to.


The Axis class stores axial (float) values, as used by triggers and sticks. (Using TwinAxes is recommended for sticks.) Like the Button class, it offers helper methods to interpret

Setting Axis values

An Axis' value can be updated in two primary ways:

  1. Manually, through the Axis.SetValue() method.
  2. By attaching an InputAction to the Axis with Axis.RegisterInputAction(), or by specifying the InputAction upon instantiation. This causes the Axis to subscribe to the performed and canceled events of said InputAction, and removes the need to use manual methods listed above. The InputAction MUST have "Axis" as its expected Control Type.

Reading Axis values

An Axis whose value is reliably updated can be read from. An Axis offers various ways of doing so. These include:

  1. The float property Axis.Value returns the most recently set value of the Axis. An Axis can also be implicitly converted to a float value.
  2. The bool properties Axis.Positive, Axis.Neutral, and Axis.Negative can be called on to evaluate the current Axis' value for conditional statements.
  3. How long an Axis has been positive (> 0f), neutral (== 0f), or negative (< 0f) can be returned in frames (int) or seconds (float) using methods such as Axis.GetPositiveDurationFrames(), Axis.GetPositiveDurationSeconds(), Axis.GetNeutralDurationFrames(), Axis.GetNeutralDurationSeconds(), Axis.GetNegativeDurationFrames(), and Axis.GetNegativeDurationSeconds().
  4. The Axis exposes events (Axis.OnValueChanged, Axis.OnPositive, Axis.OnNeutral, and Axis.OnNegative), which can be subscribed to.


The TwinAxes class stores a pair (Vector2) of TwinAxes.Axis instances, making it highly recommended for joy-/control-sticks. It has some dedicated methods to easily manage and read both TwinAxes.Axis at once.

Setting TwinAxes values

A TwinAxes' value can be updated in two primary ways:

  1. Manually, through the TwinAxes.SetValue() method.
  2. By attaching an InputAction to the TwinAxes with TwinAxes.RegisterInputAction(), or by specifying the InputAction upon instantiation. This causes the TwinAxes to subscribe to the performed and canceled events of said InputAction, and removes the need to use manual methods listed above. The InputAction MUST have "Vector2" as its expected Control Type. Directly setting the value of one TwinAxes.Axis is not permitted.

Reading TwinAxes values

A TwinAxes whose value is reliably updated can be read from. A TwinAxes offers various ways of doing so. These include:

  1. The Vector2 property TwinAxes.Value returns the most recently set value of the TwinAxes. A TwinAxes can also be implicitly converted to a Vector2 value.
  2. The TwinAxes.Angle() method returns the angle of the TwinAxes compared to another Vector2 value.
  3. The TwinAxes.AxisX and TwinAxes.AxisY properties allow for each Axis to be directly accessed as described above.
  4. The bool property TwinAxes.Neutral can be called on to evaluate the current TwinAxes value for conditional statements.
  5. The class exposes an event (TwinAxes.OnValueChanged), which can be subscribed to.


A Unity package that contains helper classes to store and evaluate user input.




MIT, Unknown licenses found

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