Travel Blog is a project created for the project defense of the React Softuni Course (Feb - Mar 2023) as part of the Front-End Module. This project is an React App for people who love to travel. Destination are separated by continents.
Using the Softuni Practice server to store data and display the data on the pages.
User are able to navigate through various links like:
- Home,
- About,
- Destination with underlying navigation
- divides the destination into categories using the continents
- Contacts
The application contains two parts:
- Guests can:
- visit Home page
- register: "/register"
- login: "/login"
- view all articles: "/destinations"
- view a single article's details: "/destinations:articleId"
- view 404 page
- Logger users can (if they are not the owner of that article):
- view to comments for specific article
- create a new comment for each article
- like specific article
- The owner of the article can:
- create new articles: "/destinations/create-article"
- edit existing articles: "/destinations/edit-article/:articleId",
- delete existing article by id
- Any logged in user can:
- create new articles: "/destinations/create-article"
- edit the details in the profile page: "/profile-edit"
- JavaScript
- ReactJS
- SoftUni practice server as a backend solution
- Cloudinary - as a storage solution for the image files
In here you can find the scripts I have used for this project.
Redirects you to the app directory. In the project directory, you can run:
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser.
The page will reload when you make changes.
You may also see any lint errors in the console.
Redirects you to the server directory.
Runs starts the server.
Login credentials for this application email: [email protected] password: 123456
- public pages accessible from any user
- pages with logged in users
- pages for logged in users (the owner of the article)
The content and image used in this project does not have a commercial license and it is not used for commercial purpose. The image on the error 404 page were purchased with License for personal use only. All the content in this project is used only for educational purpose.
If you like this project give me a 🌟
- Use local image files
- Person images are from Pexels
- Blog images are from Unsplash
- Article contents are from wikipedia
- The design template used for this projects comes from Free HTML5
- React Beta Documentation
This project is licensed with the MIT license. This image has a license for personal use only.