This repository contains script examples for modeling "Sample Code" for accessing data in Earthworks, from popular analysis platforms, ala's Explorer and the Google Earth Engine Data Catalogue. and Google Earth Engine auto-generate cut-and-paste code for immediate use of identified datasets of interest.
This example shows a cloud optimized geotiff, served from a stacks URL, displayed in a Leaflet Map:
This example shows a GeoJSON file, served from Stanford's Geoserver, in a Leaflet.js Map:
This example show a GeoJSON file, loaded from a Stacks URL to Leaflet.js
This Colab Notebook shows examples of loading GeoJSON from a Geoserver WFS, GeoJSON from a Stacks URL and loading a COG from a STACKS URL:
- importsinPython.ipynb in Github
- Live importsinPython.ipynb in Colab
In this example, you see the sample code snippet for the FIRMS Fire dataset in Google Earth Engine:
This code is bespoke, and created by Google Engineers as part of process of accessioning new datasets into the GEE ecosystem.
var dataset = ee.ImageCollection('FIRMS').filter('2018-08-01', '2018-08-10'));
var fires ='T21');
var firesVis = {
min: 325.0,
max: 400.0,
palette: ['red', 'orange', 'yellow'],
Map.setCenter(-119.086, 47.295, 6);
Map.addLayer(fires, firesVis, 'Fires');
If you have a Google Earth Engine Account, you can launch this sample code and run it in the code editor by clicking on the button (which links to):'s Explorer application uses a "Shopping Cart" model for searching and selecting imagery for download. Once you have added images to your shopping cart...
You can click on the API{:}
button at the bottom of the search panel to reveal options for code-based loading, which are auto-generated, on-the-fly:
which results in 3 options:
- Copy your API Key
- A Cut&Paste cURL command for downloading data directly (API key Obscured):
- or Item IDs, for cut&paste to R or Python Scripts: