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Olexandr Konovalov edited this page Mar 7, 2023 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the 2019-09-23-standrews wiki!

Feedback from Monday morning (shell, @olexandr-konovalov)

Green notes

  • basic commands to get around your computer
  • learning how to create and edit .sh files using nano was useful
  • I enjoyed all aspects of the shell lesson. Both the basic syntax stuff and the slightly more advanced with Bash
  • practical tips to navigate the nano files were helpful, such as the tip to include comments
  • very interesting
  • shell script
  • pipes and loops parts were useful and interesting
  • for loops; renaming certain text files
  • creating loops
  • loops
  • loops

Orange notes

  • I feel the first part about directories took more time than needed
  • the pace; hard to find noted where you go through - if goes fast if one stuck. Great workshop - thanks!
  • quickly. Once you fall behind it's difficult to catch up
  • the pace towards the end could have been slightly slower
  • lesson felt a bit rushed at the end
  • more info about what you can do with loops
  • loops; pipes and filters
  • still working on pipes and filters
  • the reason for using $1, $2 etc as arguments for the code was not initially clear
  • using these in practice would be helpful. Be helpful to discuss the use of unix shell in a variety of applications
  • all pretty clear

Feedback from Monday afternoon (python, @pgmccann)

Green notes

  • Pending...

Orange notes

  • Pending...

Feedback from Tuesday morning (git, @pgmccann)

Green notes

  • Pending...

Orange notes

  • The explanation of conflicts that can arise with several people editing a GitHub repository could get confusing
  • more time for questions / discussions (but difficult to fit in within a morning session)
  • it would be nice if we could have more time for GitHub (perhaps a whole day)
  • Rest of notes pending...

Feedback from Tuesday afternoon (python, @peterjc)

A couple of people had to leave early, so we probably missed out on a full set of sticky notes. From a personal perspective, with the first two parts taking 1.5 hours instead of the target hour, I took the deliberate decision to skim the defensive programming and errors session, in favour of having enough time for the final command line session which links back to the terminal work of day one.

Green notes

  • The part on creating functions in Python was very clever and useful
  • Peter you did great, good pace. Very useful!

Orange notes

  • The second half of the afternoon on defensive programming and errors could have been a bit more interactive
  • Bit rushed at the end, would have liked some more time on debugging
  • A bit too fast. Not very interactive.
  • This last session was incredibly full. We didn't have much time to catch up if we needed support. We leads to additional delays
  • I thought the afternoon session on Python was also very clear and informative. I love the fact that the material is also available online. Thanks to all!
  • Good intro
  • Creating functions and debugging
  • Useful application to datasets.