Bug Fixes
Fix the random seed configuration.
Fix static call factory.
Fix NPEFixExecution compareTo.
Fix target modifier with catch with multi types.
Fix processor and the test finder.
Adds an abstract Instance.
Run each execution in a new JVM in order to remove persistant change.
Adds new selector to explore to complete search space.
Adds a start laps method.
Move timeout handler to the execution client.
Adds exception oracle.
Adds abstract oracle.
Adds array instance.
Ignores collections-331.
Adds a main to run the Greedy evaluation for command line.
Defines a default classloader.
Specify the results of the evaluation.
Defines end date in all selector.
Improves the behavior of the stanboxed execution.
Maven has to compile the evaluation folder.
Improve support of configured path.
Collects static field.
Improve new instance creation.
Move seedes processor.
Generates the jar with all dependencies.
Remove used code.
Creates setter in the config file.
Configures random seed and epsilon greedy.
Updates junit dependencie for felix project.
Handles ? type.
Rename currentExecution to currentLaps.
Removes collection 299.
Implements equals and hashcode for each instance.
Adds the epsilon in the decision.
Update to spoon 5.0.0.
Improve search space collection.
Improves the processors.
Create an interface to represent the oracles of a laps.
Separates tests and evaluations.
Don't stop at the first error.
Configure the evaluation.
Handle implicit cast in a program.
Create a config file.
Dont process variable that are in loop.
Dont process target 'this' which cannot be null.
Improve NPEExecution toString.
Rename variable candidate to instances.
Improve Launcher API.
Small processors improve and handle NPE when cast.
Ignore catch variable that cannot be null.
Handle generic type in invocation return type.
Improve primitive order.
Browse the search space.
Improve architecture.
Improve NPEFix.
Update NPEFix.
Add implementations of s1b and s2b.
Improve processors.
Handle generic type in processors.
Add the Junit result in the sache TestInfo.
Ignore class from the npe project.
Update strategy and improve the instance generator for an interface or an abstract class.
Improve the test suite.
Replace the set by a list in order to respect the order of the classpath.
Add the new processor into the NPE launchers.
Add a processor to split all if condition into serveral if.
Add a processor to check variable in for and foreach.
Change the architecture of the project.
Support class as processor.
Improve classpath detector.
Nb Commit
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