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Releases: SpellholdStudios/Shadows_over_Soubar

Shadows over Soubar v2.1.2

07 Jul 10:36
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Change log

  • Restored nightmaps for the alternative Soubar area (by Weigo).

Shadows over Soubar v2.1.1

23 Jun 10:15
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Change log

  • Hotfix for installation issue and CTD when nightmaps are installed for alternative Soubar.

Shadows over Soubar v2.1

13 May 19:39
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Change log:

By Weigo:

  • Added nightmaps.
  • Added animations to the maps.
  • Fixed graphical glitches.
  • MOS files (EE) has the right size.

By Roberciiik:

  • Support for BP-BGT-Worldmap v13.
  • Removed "(SoS)" tag from the worldmap hints.

By Lzw104522773:

  • Added Simplified Chinese translations.

Shadows over Soubar v2.0

06 Dec 21:49
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By Roberciiik:

  • Alternative Soubar area from the "World of Baldur's Gate" modification - designed and modeled by Cuttooth, with effects enrichment and ideas by Dradiel, and integrated into the mod by Roberciiik.
  • Biffing is now an optional installation component.
  • Fixed militia training quest when only 9 new guards are trained.
  • Fixed CTDs in AR4261, AR4260, and AR4258 areas.
  • Restored TIS and MOS files of Soubar for oBG2 and Lyrar's Castle TIS for BG2:EE.
  • Fixed a visual bug in Sir William's house (AR1004) in oBG2.
  • Updated the worldmap position of areas for Chionthar, Soubar, and Lyrar's Hold.
  • Corrected automap notes in Soubar and Soubar prison.
  • Traified missing lines (setup, kit name, debug prints).
  • Added missing identified descriptions to some letters.
  • Moved movies to the language directory so the local language version can replace them.
  • Moved some NPC sound files to the language directory - the local language version can now replace them.


  • Introduce immutability and encapsulation.
  • Fix mod uninstallation: now all mod files should be removed from override during uninstallation.
  • Fixed copying of the MVE folder.
  • Uses the %MOD_FOLDER% automatic variable.
  • Uses labels for component requirements statements.
  • Simplified the mod ID where possible.
  • Renamed the mod folder from "SOS" to "SoS" to match the mod name.
  • Renamed "setup-SOS.tp2" to "SoS.tp2".
  • Updated iconv and replaced it with a static build.
  • Updated the readme file to use the latest templates.
  • Updated the metadata file to use the latest template.
  • Change HANDLE_CHARSETS to use from_UTF8 and adjust tra files.
  • Fixed HANDLE_CHARSETS execution on EET.
  • Fixed encoding problems by replacing ű with û.
  • Updated add_worldmap_tbl.
  • Fixed adding areas to the cheat table.
  • Remove the custom kit.ids fixer and use the latest from BG2Fixpack.
  • Remove additional backup of *.tlk files.
  • Standardize folder names and file extensions.
  • Made cosmetic changes to the readme files.
  • Added 'outdated' to outdated readme files.
  • Replace tabs with spaces.
  • Removed redundant files.

By Weigo:

  • Added sounds from ogg2 (only if they are missing).
  • Changed AR4230(N).mos files for EE and non-EE version (EE has larger images).
  • Changed tiz format to tbc format.
  • Added a7_tools.tpa by Argent77 for HANDLE_TILECONV function.
  • Added in %MOD_FOLDER%/Tools/Tileconv all tileconv versions.

Shadows over Soubar v1.16

28 Sep 10:39
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  • Fixed install error for non-English versions: Added needed dlls for iconv.exe.
  • Added inn2616.sto in case it is not existent ingame (BGII:EE).
  • Added install order syntax and globally unique labelling to .ini to support Project Infinity.

Shadows over Soubar v1.15

22 Feb 18:48
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ToB, BGT, BG2:EE and EET compatible

  • Added sos.ini metadata file to support AL|EN's "Project Infinity".
  • Added OS control to avoid installing component Remorhaz walking speed adjustment on Mac OS.
  • Added DESIGNATED numbers and "shadows_over_soubar", "sos_selence_at_waukeens_promenade_after_meeting_Gaelan" and "sos_remorhaz_walking_speed_adjustment" component LABELS.
  • Various bugfixes, as listed in the GitHub commits. 😉
  • Added README command in tp2.
  • Wrote a new sos-readme-english.html readme file and moved all readme files into new readme folder.
  • Included Linux and Mac Os X versions in the same package (thanks AL|EN's Infinity Auto Packager tool!).
  • Uploaded mod to official SpellHold Studios GitHub mirror account.

SoS-EE v1.14d

09 Jun 08:22
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Compatibility with BG2EE/EET and BG2/ToB/BGT

SoS-EE v1.14c

09 Jun 08:22
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My 3rd attempt to bring all BW Fixpack patches to github ;)

SoS-EE v1.14b

09 Jun 08:22
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BW Fixpack patches

SoS-EE v1.14

09 Jun 08:22
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First release of SoS for EET (BG2 BG2EE TOB BGT)