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RockTree jQuery Extension

Jason Offutt edited this page Oct 31, 2013 · 22 revisions

RockTree is a jQuery TreeView plugin written specifically for RockChMS. We couldn't find a good TreeView solution that supported multi-select, that looked good, and that implemented Bootstrap 3, so we wrote our own.

Basic Usage



Setting Name Data Type Default Value Description
id string 0 Represents the numeric Id or Guid of a node. This option will be used in combination with the restUrl option to pre-fetch data.
selectedIds array null Represents the set of Ids or Guids that should be pre-selected after the tree's data is loaded.
expandedIds array null Represents the set of Ids or Guids of tree nodes that should be pre-fetched and expanded after the tree's data is loaded.
restUrl string null The REST endpoint that the tree will use to fetch data from.
restParams string null Additional query string parameters to be passed along with each request.
local array null Represents a hierarchical data structure that RockTree will attempt to map into its internal data set.
multiselect bool false Determines whether or not more than one tree node can be selected at a time.
loadingHtml string Spinner icon Represents the HTML that will be rendered when a node's content is being loaded remotely.
iconClasses object Folder icons A hash of class names. Valid properties are branchOpen, branchClosed and leaf.
mapping object A hash including an array of properties to include in the tree markup as data-* attributes called include and a function called mapData that can be overridden to provide custom data mapping functionality.
onSelected array null An array of event names that will be triggered by the RockTree instance's $el property when a node is selected.

Local or Remote data

RockTree will attempt to load data from any REST endpoint it is configured to point to. Based on the restUrl, the id and the restParams options, RockTree will construct a URL and fire a GET request.

    id: 1,
    restUrl: '/api/groups',
    restParams: '?groupType=1'

Alternatively, RockTree can be initialized with an array of objects if local data is being supplied.

    local: [
            id: 1,
            name: 'George',
            hasChildren: false
            id: 2,
            name: 'Samuel',
            hasChildren: true,
            children: [
                    id: 3,
                    name: 'Joey',
                    parentId: 2,
                    hasChildren: false

Finally, if no remote or local option is configured, RockTree will attempt to derive its data from the inner HTML of the element it's initialized on.

<div id="some-element">
        <li data-id="1">George</li>
        <li data-id="2">
                <li data-id="3" data-parent-id="2">Joey</li>

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(function () {

Custom Icons

The icons used in RockTree can be overridden by defining the iconClasses config option.

    iconClasses: {
        branchOpen: 'icon-minus-sign',
        branchClosed: 'icon-plus-sign',
        leaf: 'icon-ok'

Custom Mapping

If the mapping.mapData config option is overridden, a custom mapping rules can be supplied. Note that this function will need to be recursive.

var mapTheData = function (array) {
    return $.map(array, function (item) {
        var node = {
            id: item.Guid,
            name: item.Title,
            iconCssClass: item.CssClass,
            parentId: item.ParentId,
            hasChildren: item.HasChildren
            isCategory: item.IsCategory

        if (item.Children && typeof item.Children.length === 'number') {
            node.children = mapTheData(item.Children);

        return node;

    mapping: {
        include: [ 'isCategory' ],
        mapData: mapTheData


RockTree emits some helpful DOM events that will allow custom code to respond to what's going on with the tree.

Event Name Description
rockTree:selected This event is fired after a node has been selected on the tree. The id of the node is passed along as a parameter. Listeners for this event can be bound at any time.
rockTree:dataBound This event is fired as soon as data local or remote data is bound to the tree. For best results, bind listeners for this event before initializing RockTree.
rockTree:rendered This event is fired when the tree has finished rendering to the DOM. For best results, bind listeners for this event before initializing RockTree.
rockTree:expand This event is fired when a tree node is expanded. Listeners for this event can be bound at any time.
rockTree:collapse This event is fired when a tree node is collapsed. Listeners for this event can be bound at any time.
    .on('rockTree:dataBound', function () {
        console.log('data bound!');
    .on('rockTree:rendered', function () {
    .on('rockTree:selected', function (e, id) {
        console.log('the node with the id "' + id + '" has been selected');
    .on('rockTree:expand', function () {
    .on('rockTree:collapse', function () {
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