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How to generate a CreateAndPopulate SQL script for the Rock Installer

Mike Peterson edited this page Jun 23, 2014 · 5 revisions
  1. Use Smartgit to set your current branch to the release that you want
  2. Pull to get Latest
  3. Open the Rock solution using Visual Studio
  4. Change your connection string to RockRMS_NewDbName (delete this database if you already have it)
  5. Use Package Manager Console and run Update-Database
  6. Open Sql Server Management Studio (SSMS)
  7. Right click on your RockRMS_NewDbName database and select Tasks | Generate Scripts... Generate Scripts
  8. Click next until you see this screen, then click 'Advanced' Select Advanced
  9. Change 'Types of data to script' to 'schema and data' and click OK Schema and Data
  10. Click Next until done then click Finish
  11. Email resulting script to Rock Installer developer
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