Docker Download and setup docker and docker compose for your machine https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/
Go to Newsaggregator directory
cd newsaggregator
Create .env file
touch .env
Put the following content
NEWS_API_KEY = 'your_api_key' DJANGO_SECRET_KEY = 'django_generate_secret' DB_NAME = 'Newsapp' DB_USER = 'postgres' DB_PASSWORD = 'password' DB_HOST = 'db' DB_PORT = '5432' CELERY_BROKER_REDIS_URL="redis://redis:6379"
Note: If you are using docker compose, just change NEWS_API_KEY and DJANGO_SECRET_KEY
docker compose up
Note1: Docker will automatically create DB and run Scheme migrations Note2: When running for the first time- Admin User will be created with credentials Username:
, Password:adminpassword
- DB will be automatically populated from NewsAPI
- Admin User will be created with credentials Username:
- News APP UI.
- Pagination in UI.
- News API https://newsapi.org/ is used as a Datasource.
- Handled Pagination in API.
- Celery: Scheduling Data pipeline for storing data to DB from NewsAPI.
- Redis: Celery Message Broker.
- PostgreSQL DB: Used for Application Data Storage.
- Containerisation: Docker and Docker Compose,
docker compose up
one command to setup everything, Django, DB, Celery, Redis. - Daily Volume Graph for past week
- Hourly Volume Graph
News App displays the top headlines stored in the postgres DB for the past 7 days.
view: TopHeadlinesView
model: TopHeadlines
template: home.html
- Pagination is implemented for the top headlines
You can add and manage your periodic tasks from the Django Admin interface (Used django celery beat's Database-backed Periodic Tasks) A daily schedule to retrieve news data (top headlines) every day is configured to run once a day at 12.am.utc for a period of one week (7 days). It is disabled after one week in the celery task file.
task: populate_top_headlines_news_db
The hourly and daily news volume are plotted on graph using chart.js
view: volume_graphs
template: volume_graphs.html