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Packed ABI Decodable Encoding (v0.1)

PADE is an encoding format that's meant to be simple, robust and trade-off calldata usage with decoding cost aiming to be used by Ethereum mainnet contracts. This is the encoding used in Angstrom's execute method to pass in bundle data.


Primitive Types

PADE inherits some of ABI's primitive types:

ABI Inherited Types

  • uint<N>
  • int<N>
  • bytes<N>
  • address

Note on convention

We follow Solidity's convention of having uint<N> types be suffixed with their size in bits, and bytes<N> to be suffixed with their length in bytes.

Rust-like syntax will used to define the types.

The List Type (List<T: type>)

The List type represents a list or array of type T where the encoded length must not exceed 16777215 (length must fit in 3 bytes).

List are encoded by appended the concatenation of the encoding of the elements to a 3 byte length.

Fixed length arrays ([T; N])

Fixed length arrays require a constant length. These are encoded as the concatenation of the PADE encoding of the elements.

Product Types (aka "Structs")

Types can be aliased or composed into larger product types aka "structs" e.g.

struct Trade {
    asset_in: address,
    asset_out: address,
    quanitity: uint64

struct Matched {
    asks: List<Trade>,
    bids: List<Trade>,

struct String(List<bytes1>);

Sum Types (aka "Enums")

Types can be enums which have distinct variants. Each variant is itself a struct with n fields e.g.:

enum OrderInvalidation {
    Flash {
        valid_for_block: uint64
    Standing {
        deadline: uint40,
        nocne: uint64

enum Option<T: type> {

Note that recursive type definitions are disallowed (reasoning: makes specification simpler).


While these types are not first class citizens of the type system they are useful contructs that will later have to have some functions like the EIP712 struct hashing defined for them.

enum Option<T: type> {

enum Bool {


Helper functions

bits(n: int) -> int

Returns the amount of bits needed to fit an integer n.

# Or just `int.bit_length` in python
def bits(n: int) -> int:
    b = 0
    while n > 0:
        n = n >> 1
        b += 1
    return b

full_bytes(bits: int) -> int

Returns the number of full bytes needed to fit a given number of bits.

# Or just `(bits + 7) // 8`
def full_bytes(n: int) -> int:
    total_bytes = bits // 8
    if bits % 8 > 0:
        total_bytes += 1
    return total_bytes

pade_encode(x: PadeValue) -> bytes

Encodes a pade encodable value based on its type.

Note: For enums the .inner attribute refers to the value within a given enum variant (the single field / struct).


def pade_encode(x: PadeValue, T: PadeType) -> bytes:
    if T.is_abi_primitve():
        return x.abi_encode_packed()
    if T.is_enum():
        variant_size = full_bytes(bits(len(T.variants)))
        variant_bytes = x.variant.to_bytes(variant_size, 'big')
        # For enums `.inner` represents the "inner" value either the
        # value of the unique field or the struct
        return variant_bytes + pade_encode(x.inner)
    if T.is_fixed_array():
        return concat([
            for item in x.items
    if T.is_list():
        encoded_items = concat([
            for item in x.items
        length_bytes = len(encoded_items).to_bytes(LIST_MAX_LENGTH_BYTES, 'big')
        return length_bytes + encoded_items
    if T.is_struct():
        # the variants of enum fields are packed together
        variant_bitmap: int = 0
        bitmap_size: int = 0
        fields_encoded: bytes = b''

        # Encode fields
        for field_value, field_type in zip(x.values, T.fields):
            if field_type.is_enum():
                variant_size = bits(len(field_type.variants))
                variant: int = field_value.variant
                fields_encoded += pade_encode(field_value.inner)
                variant_size = 0
                variant: int = 0
                fields_encoded += pade_encode(field_value)

            variant_bitmap |= variant << bitmap_size
            bitmap_size += variant_size

        variant_bytes = variant_bitmap.to_bytes(full_bytes(bitmap_size), 'little')

        return variant_bytes + fields_encoded


Macros + Primitives for PADE format






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