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Pull requests: Sorcery/sorcery

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Pull requests list

Hotfix twitter login bug Something isn't working to be implemented in v1 This issue or pull request will be resolved in the v1 rework, but has not yet been completed.
#6 opened Sep 27, 2016 by ebihara99999
adding 'include_email' parameter to be implemented in v1 This issue or pull request will be resolved in the v1 rework, but has not yet been completed.
#83 opened Sep 11, 2017 by EvanBrightside Loading…
Add QQ provider to be implemented in v1 This issue or pull request will be resolved in the v1 rework, but has not yet been completed.
#86 opened Oct 7, 2017 by bealking Loading…
Add failure reason argument for after_failed_login callback to be implemented in v1 This issue or pull request will be resolved in the v1 rework, but has not yet been completed.
#175 opened Feb 19, 2019 by songhuangcn Loading…
Make the remember_me_token cookie name configurable to be implemented in v1 This issue or pull request will be resolved in the v1 rework, but has not yet been completed.
#179 opened Mar 19, 2019 by robinvdvleuten Loading…
Add limitless counting failed login function
#184 opened Apr 25, 2019 by hairgai Loading…
Update sorcery CA bundle to be implemented in v1 This issue or pull request will be resolved in the v1 rework, but has not yet been completed.
#200 opened Jul 25, 2019 by anaumov Loading…
[WIP] Implement single session module implemented in v1 This issue or pull request has been resolved in the v1 rework codebase
#218 opened Dec 22, 2019 by mladenilic Loading…
3 tasks
Add after_login_lock callback to be implemented in v1 This issue or pull request will be resolved in the v1 rework, but has not yet been completed.
#236 opened May 7, 2020 by y-yagi Loading…
3 tasks done
JWT authentication implemented in v1 This issue or pull request has been resolved in the v1 rework codebase
#239 opened May 11, 2020 by alexeyramazanov Loading…
Fix Thor warning due to missing :after option to be implemented in v1 This issue or pull request will be resolved in the v1 rework, but has not yet been completed.
#252 opened Jul 22, 2020 by Inkybro Loading…
Add back changes that fix deprecation warning related to autoloading in Rails 6 implemented in v1 This issue or pull request has been resolved in the v1 rework codebase
#255 opened Aug 10, 2020 by Hirurg103 Loading…
Correct variable name and remove unneeded to be implemented in v1 This issue or pull request will be resolved in the v1 rework, but has not yet been completed.
#261 opened Nov 19, 2020 by kentarohorie Loading…
Update phrasing in Philosophy statement documentation Improvements or additions to documentation
#285 opened Jul 2, 2021 by dguardado Loading…
3 tasks done
Set secure flag for remember_me cookie enhancement New feature or request
#295 opened Dec 6, 2021 by paderinandrey Loading…
3 tasks done
Add missing activity_logging attribute to config
#314 opened Jun 26, 2022 by SatoshiHaramura Loading…
Added support for scope_for_authentication method enhancement New feature or request
#315 opened Jun 30, 2022 by iamdeuterium Loading…
Implement #login! helper
#332 opened Jan 18, 2023 by Spone Loading…
3 tasks done
[WIP] Add support for Google One Tap sign-in
#336 opened Feb 17, 2023 by asip Loading…
2 of 3 tasks
Add Apple as oauth provider enhancement New feature or request
#344 opened Apr 20, 2023 by nduitz Loading…
ProTip! Exclude everything labeled bug with -label:bug.