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WPF Dialogs in ATF

Gary edited this page Mar 6, 2015 · 2 revisions

ATF offers a variety of WPF dialogs, described in the following table. Note that you can also use WinForms dialogs in WPF applications; for more information, see Using WinForms Controls in WPF.

Most of these dialogs have an associated ViewModel class, which is given with the description.

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Dialog Class Appearance Description
AboutDialog About dialog to display information about the application. ViewModel: AboutDialogViewModel.
CheckInDialog Dialog to check in files under source control. ViewModel: CheckInViewModel.
CommonDialog None Base class for WPF dialogs. No ViewModel.
ConfirmationDialog Confirmation dialog for some action. ViewModel: ConfirmationDialogViewModel.
ErrorDialog Error dialog. ViewModel: ErrorDialogViewModel.
FeedbackForm Find file dialog. ViewModel: FeedbackFormViewModel.
FindFileDialog Find file dialog. ViewModel: FindFileDialogViewModel.
FindTargetsDialog Find targets dialog. ViewModel: FindTargetsViewModel.
MessageBoxDialog Message box dialog. An alternative to the native Win32 message box if WPF styling is required. No ViewModel.
ProgressDialog Dialog to show progress of a task. ViewModel: ProgressViewModel.
ReconcileDialog Dialog to reconcile files under source control. ViewModel: ReconcileViewModel.
SettingsDialog Dialog to view settings. ViewModel: SettingsDialogViewModel.
SettingsLoadSaveDialog Dialog to load or save settings. ViewModel: SettingsLoadSaveViewModel.
SwitchToDialog Dialog to allow Control+Tabbing between content. No ViewModel.
TargetDialog Target dialog. Used in the WPF FindTargetsViewModel. ViewModel: TargetDialogViewModel.
TcpIpTargetEditDialog Dialog to edit a TcpIp target. ViewModel: TcpIpTargetEditDialogViewModel.
UnhandledExceptionDialog Unhandled exception dialog. Used in the WPF UnhandledExceptionService component. ViewModel: UnhandledExceptionViewModel.
WindowLayoutNewDialog "Save Layout As" dialog. ViewModel: UnhandledExceptionViewModel.
WindowLayoutManageDialog "Manage Layouts" dialog. ViewModel: ManageWindowLayoutsDialogViewModel.
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