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yiwami edited this page Mar 16, 2014 · 2 revisions

== Introduction ==

The Authoring Tools Framework (ATF) is a collection of C#/.NET components for building game development tools on Windows. ATF has been used as the basis for sound modeling and audio bank tools, level editors, character animation blending tools, scripting language debuggers and timeline/sequence tools. See our list of adopters and screenshot gallery. For more information about ATF:

The LittleBigPlanet Level Editor shown here was developed by Cambridge Studio using ATF. For other applications like this, see the ATF Gallery.

== Downloading ATF ==

=== GitHub === ATF is an open source project on GitHub. The ATF GitHub repository contains the latest public release.

=== ZIP file === For Sony employees and contractors, current and past versions are available as ZIP files.

=== Package Manager === For Sony employees and contractors, the Package Manager is a good way to get updates, since it can update multiple components of the WWS SDK together, taking into account dependencies.

Download the Package Manager

Place the wwspm.exe file at the root of your WWS SDK folder.

Run the following command from your WWS SDK root folder:

> wwspm install wws_atf

Or, if you are updating an existing installation:

> wwspm update wws_atf

== Directory Contents ==

The ATF release package contains the following subdirectories:

  • DevTools: Tools to help our clients set-up, port, and manage their ATF projects.
  • Docs: ATF Documentation including programmer and reference documentation.
  • Framework: Reusable .NET components, written in C#, for building your applications. Clients should avoid modifying this code.
  • Samples: Code for sample applications that demonstrate various aspects of the ATF and its features. Clients are encouraged to start with a sample app and then modify it.
  • Test: Unit tests and Everything.sln, which is our one solution file that references all source code in an ATF distribution.
  • ThirdParty: pre-compiled managed and unmanaged dlls that are licensed to be used by ATF.

== Building ATF ==

The ATF source is organized into a set of Visual Studio solution and project files. The main solution files are:

  • \Samples\Samples.sln: includes all of the ATF 3 samples and framework.
  • \Test\Everything.sln: includes ATF 3 and ATF 2 framework and samples, as well as unit tests and development tools.
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