This is a simple feedforward neural network (with backpropagation) built from scratch using Java. It can be used to approximate many tasks, such as classifying MNIST images with ~93% accuracy or identifying generic machine data.
Begin by specifying the size of each input, hidden, and output layer in the Network.
int inputSize = 28 * 28; // Declare an input size (e.g. for a 28x28 pixel MNIST image)
int[] hiddenSizes = {40, 20, 15}; // Specify the sizes of each hidden layer (at least 1 layer needed)
int outputSize = 10; // Choose the number of output classifications
Network net = new Network(inputSize, hiddenSizes, outputSize);
Begin training your data...
for(int i = 0; i < trainingSet.size(); i++){
double[] input = trainingSet.getTest(i);
int label = trainingSet.getLabel(i);
// Creates a
double[] expected = NNetworkUtils.oneHotArray(outputSize, label);
double learningRate = 0.1;
net.backpropagate(expected, learningRate);
... and lastly test your training.
int correct = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < testSet.size(); i++){
double[] input = testSet.getTest(i);
int label = trainingSet.getLabel(i);
double[] output = net.compute(input);
int guess = NNetworkUtils.softmax(output);
if(guess == label) correct++;
System.out.println("Classified " + correct + " out of " + testSet.size());