Releases: SoftwareDefinedVehicle/leda-distro-fork
Releases · SoftwareDefinedVehicle/leda-distro-fork
Test release that includes VUM and several improvements, and should become M3
Builds on the previous internal test release by adding the KAD MQTT listener (KAD disables itself when VUM takes over to avoid conflicts), blueprint selector with example blueprints included, gpsd, and dynamic hostnames
Internal test release of 0.1.0-M2 + the VUM stack
test-0.1.0-M2: Attach SBOM and Sources to Release (Part 2)
Merge pull request #94 from SoftwareDefinedVehicle/kirkstone-0.1.0 Fix filenames
test-0.1.0-M2: Attach SBOM and Sources to Release
Testing github workflow syntax of release process, attaching new files.
Test v0.0.11
Testing release process
Test v0.0.10
Testing release workflow
Test 0.0.9
Testing build and release workflow
Test 0.0.7
Testing the release workflow