This repository contains wrappers for SmartCGMS modules, that wrap a specific subset of features for a single purpose, e.g., to offer a simple API for a complex tasks to a foreign language environment.
SmartCGMS software architecture and framework. Project homepage:
- wraps the basic logic, that is required by our gaming front-ends, such as Icarus has Diabetesinterop-inspector
- wraps the COM interface logic and other, non-standard data type handler functions into a set of C-based API calls
The SmartCGMS software and its components are distributed under the Apache license, version 2. When publishing any derivative work or results obtained using this software, you agree to cite the following paper:
Tomas Koutny and Martin Ubl, "SmartCGMS as a Testbed for a Blood-Glucose Level Prediction and/or Control Challenge with (an FDA-Accepted) Diabetic Patient Simulation", Procedia Computer Science, Volume 177, pp. 354-362, 2020
See attached LICENSE file for full licencing information.