The KETCube platform consist of multiple parts, for the overall view on the KETCube platform, see the KETCube documentation repository.
This repository contains KETCube batBoard.
The KETCube battery board is equipped with KETCube sockets only – see KETCube datasheet.
This board is equipped with the CR-2450 battery holder and pass-through KETCube sockets enabling (almost) infinite stacking with other KETCube compatible boards.
Note, that the CR-2450 is recommended for evaluation only.
By using resources published in this repository, you can manufacture the KETCube batBoard. Alternativelly, you can use these materials as a starting point for a derivative work.
KETCube is the prototyping and demo platform developed by the SmartCAMPUS team at the Department of Technologies and Measurement (KET), University of West Bohemia in Pilsen.
The general information about the KETCube platform can be found in KETCube datasheet.
More detailed info related to KETCube can be found in Application Notes.
See also the list of current and past Contributors.
KETCube batBoard is distributed under the MIT-like University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License. See also LICENSE file.