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Sam Lynch edited this page Aug 1, 2017 · 8 revisions


  • Removed parameter limit on custom functions.
    • Need to retroactively fix WrittenNote underscore usage.


  • Added speed parameter to Transition function.
  • Added new function(s) to M22 scripting language:
    • DrawSprite ( _filename ) - Animates in the specified sprite, in the same manner as the WrittenNote function.


  • Fixed bugs pertaining to multiple character draw calls.
  • Fixed bug where whitespace was treated as a NewPage function call.
  • Added two custom functions:
    • SakuraEffect - Same as snow effect but with animated cherry-blossom leaves.
    • WrittenNote - Animates in a written note with text. Text must not contain spaces, instead using underscores.


  • Added an input wrapper, for multi-platform compiling.
  • Optimized Android compilation settings.
  • Fixed bugs pertaining to multiple operations on a single character (i.e. change sprite while moving)
  • LoadScript now unloads loaded assets.
    • This could be further optimised when changing the LoadScript function to be asynchronous, by comparing assets queued for loading with assets already loaded, so we only unload what is unused and load what is needed.


  • Fixed bug with moving multiple characters at once.


  • Changed the WaitState system to a queue-based system.
    • i.e. if "Wait 500" was somehow called 5 times in one frame, it would wait for 2500 milliseconds total.


  • Made the script compiler independent of Unity.
    • Requires UnityWrapper.cs to be configured if used outside of Unity.


  • Added new function(s) to M22 scripting language:
    • PlayLoopedSting ( _name, _volume, _speed = 1.0 ) - Plays the specified SFX on loop, at the requested volume and fades it in (if specified).
    • StopLoopedSting ( _name, _speed = 1.0 ) - Fades out/stops the specified SFX if it is playing.
  • Fixed bug with transition shader where transitioning from nothing to something would have a white effect.


  • Added compile-time variable system
    • Add new variables to "Resources/VARIABLES.txt" in the same format as the examples
    • Use them in the script by prepending and appending and respectively on the variable.
    • Example:
      • VARIABLES.txt: "testvariable === I am a variable!"
      • Script File: "This is a line of dialogue. Also, testvariable"
      • Result: "This is a line of dialogue. Also, I am a variable!"
    • This takes place before compiling the script, so variables can have single-line functionality.
    • Might do multi-line functions for macros via '\n'


  • Added new function(s) to M22 scripting language:
    • ClearCharacters ( _instant ) - Clears all characters from screen. If true, do immediately.
  • Fixed ClearCharacter requiring two parameters; now only needs one, but can take two
  • Added lots more of test script

22/06/2017 - 2

  • Added decision selection screen fade-in
  • Fixed character name mapping integers to floats improperly
  • Fixed inline functions leaking into dialogue/narrative if you skip the text before the function executes
  • Added error check on character loading


  • Fixed bug with changing background during a background movement.
  • Added new function(s) to M22 scripting language:
    • SetAnimationType ( _type ) - Changes animation type. Currently takes "lerp" or "smooth".
  • Fixed inconsistencies with namespaces; all March22 code should be under M22 namespace now.


  • Added new function(s) to M22 scripting language:
    • SetMovementSpeed ( _speed ) - Sets speed of new movement animations (on characters and backgrounds, namely)
    • SetTextSpeed ( _speed ) - Sets the text speed of the typewriter effect.
    • Both of these take multiplier floats as parameters, so 1.0 is normal while 2.0 is twice as fast, etc.
  • Fixed character movement being faster than background movement
  • Added ability to skip waiting for background movement/transitioning/changes to take place before going to next line. Just make the last parameter of the function be "true" (i.e. "DrawBackground hisao_class -1500 0 2.00 1.0 true")
  • Fixed custom function object namespaces