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timojaask edited this page Jun 29, 2014 · 4 revisions


Get latest messages from the entire world.

  • URL:
  • Method: Get
  • Arguments:
    • count: The number of messages to return
    • json: If set to 1, the result will be returned as JSON object, otherwise as HTML table
    • timestamp: Unix timestamp. If specified, only messages newer or same as the timestamp will be returned
  • Return value: List of messages either as JSON or a HTML table



var client = new HttpClient();
// Convert date and time of the last successful get request to Unix time stamp
// so that we only get messages that game after that time
var lastGetTimeStamp = Utils.DateTimeToUnixTimestamp(lastGet);
// Create the parameters string
var getParameters = string.Format("?json=1&timestamp={0}", lastGetTimeStamp);
// Create the final URL
var uri = new Uri("" + getParameters);
// Send the request and get a result (JSON string)
var json = await client.GetStringAsync(uri);
// Deserialize the JSON string into a list of SkeneMessage objects
IEnumerable<Message> latestLocalMessages = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<SkeneMessage>>(json);
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