Makefile help comments: how you can add easy documentation to a Makefile.
Add this task to a Makefile:
.PHONY: help
@awk '/^##/{a=1-a}a' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | cut -c3-
Then add any help comments to your Makefile. A help comment starts with two hash marks, and ends with two hash marks.
# This is a help comment.
# You can use as many lines as you wish.
Now you can run the task:
make help
# Makefile help comments: how you can add easy documentation to a Makefile.
# A help comment starts with two hash marks, and ends with two hash marks.
# This syntax purposefully makes it easy for developers to convert any
# existing Makefile comments into help comments.
# Compared to other kinds of well-known make self-documentation tools,
# this implementation is simpler to use and also is much more flexible.
# To use this:
# make help
# help: display this help message.
.PHONY: help
@awk '/^##/{a=1-a}a' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | cut -c3-
# You can write help comments anywhere you want,
# such as between tasks, like this help comment.
# alfa: echo the word alfa.
@echo "alfa"
# You can write anything you want in a help comment,
# such as ASCII art, and whatever you write is displayed.
# ^__^
# (oo)\_______
# (__)\ )\/\
# ||----w |
# || ||
# bravo: echo the word bravo.
@echo "bravo"
# This line is a normal comment.
# This line is another normal comment.
# These normal comments are not printed by the help task.
# charlie: echo the word charlie.
@echo "charlie"
# If you wish, you can end with a footer comment with more information.
# To contact the author, email [email protected].