This repository contains an example of using ledbar and ultrasonic distance sensor on pynq-z2 board with Xilinx PYNQ Framework(image ver.2.4).
The design illustrates how to program embedded MircroBlaze cores to control a ultrasonic ranger and a ledbar on the FPGA with PYNQ base overlay. The pdf illustrate the operation(in Chinese).
Open a terminal on your PYNQ board and run:
sudo git clone /home/xilinx/jupyter_notebooks/pynq-ledbar-ultrasonic-ranger
Go to your jupyter home folder(/home/xilinx/jupyter_notebooks
), and you will find this project fold pynq-ledbar-ultrasonic-ranger
. Go in the fold you and run pynq-ledbar-ultrasonic-ranger.ipynb
Grove Ultrasonic Distance Sensor:
Grove LED Bar:
Pmod-Grove adapter and PYNQ shield adapter:
Grove Base Shield for Arduino:
There are 8 green, 1 orange and 1 red LED on the Grove LED Bar. Each LED brightness can be controlled independently.
In this design, if you use digilent PYNQ shield, LED Bar should be connected to G4 port.If you use Seeed base shield, LED Bar should be connected to D6 port.
The ultrasonic distance sensor should be connected to G1 port of the Pmod-Grove adapter and the latter should be connected to PMODA on the pynq-z2 board.