Contributors: sirjavik, se-schwarz, goinput
Stable tag: 2.0.4
Donate link:¤cy_code=EUR&source=url
Tags: AzuraCast, Widget, Radio, Webradio, Icecast, Shoutcast, Playing, Nowplaying
Requires at least: 4.6.0
Tested up to: 5.7
Requires PHP: 7.0
License: GPLv3
License URI:
Display currently played song of an AzuraCast instance in a sidebar.
This plugin adds a widget to your WordPress sidebar showing the currently played song of a AzuraCast station by their public API. You're able to configure whether to display the album, title, artist, artwork and player links. Important: By version 2.0.0 you need to use the station shortcode instead of station id. It's necessary because AzuraCast's Live Now-Playing Api won't support station ids. You need to enable websocket support in your AzuraCast Instance.
- Upload the plugin files to your WordPress plugins directory, e.g. '/wp-content/plugins/plugins/'.
- Enable the plugin pressing 'Activate'.
- Add and configure the widget under 'Appearance' -> 'Widgets'.
- Fixed activation message
- Removed old update style (XSS was possible)
- Removed code fragments for shortcode, gutenberg and elementor (Will comeback later)
- Added missing defaults
- Changed typo in readme
- Added missing translation string
- Disabled Gutenberg (Will be added later)
- Orientation support
- Websocket support
- Complete rewrite of plugin
- Data from AzuraCast is now loaded asynchronous. By default the AzuraCast-Widget will be refreshed every 5 minutes. You can change that setting in the widgets settings or can disable this feature completely.
- I'm looking for a way to use AzuraCast's Webhook API. Perhaps new data will be loaded directly in a newer version instead of refreshing it staticly every x minutes.
- Fixed not working webplayer button. Spaces are evil.
- Fixed wording
- Fixed translation issues
- Default language is English now.
- Improvements for small and mobile sidebars.
- Fixed several translation issues. Should work all like a charm now.
- Fixed a bug that prevented translations from loading
- Added translation template and first strings
- Fixed german language
- Fixed a couple of issues.
- Added configuration settings.
- Completed widget appearance.
- Initioal version, rudimentary.