- ~/.zshrc
- ~/.config/rstudio/rstudio-prefs.json
- ~/.config/nvim/init.vim
- Clear search highlighting <C-l> or <space><space>
- Toggle spell check off ':set nospell'
- Previous and next misspelled word [s ]s
- Spell-check suggestions z=
- Add word to dictionary zg
- Open CtrlP file menu <space>o
- Open CtrlP buffer menu <space>b
- Undotree <space>u
- Save session <space>w
- Restore session 'vim -S' (from a terminal)
- Toggle relative numbering <space>R
- Highlight last inserted text gV
- Search and replace <space>s
- NERDtree (toggle) <C-n>
- Markdown Preview (toggle) <C-p>
- Place cursor under next/prev occurrence of <chr> f or F + <chr>
- Place cursor before next/prev occurrence of <chr> t or T + <chr>
- Create mark a (intimate of the file) ma
- Create mark A (shared in the entire session) mA
- jump to mark a/A 'a or 'A
- Open file in a new window ':new file'
- Move to a window <C-w> + h/j/k/l
- Toggle windows <space>w
- Open file in a new tab ':tabe file'
- Move to next tab gt
- Move to previous tab gT
- Start R \rf
- Close R \rq
- Send line ,
- Send selected lines ,
- Send block \bb
- Open objects browser \ro
- Compile Rmd file ':RMarkdown pdf' or ':RMarkdown html'
- Help \rh
- See data.frame \rv
- Output of a code line as comment \o
- Toggle comment line/selection \xx
- Remove objects and clear console \rm
- Send chunk \cc
- Insert '<-' <M--> (M is Alt key)
- Insert chunck in a Rmd file ``
- Knit to HTML \kh