Simple Budget app is open source and the idea is based on EasyBudget app originally developed by Benoit LETONDOR [email protected]
You can download EasyBudget on the PlayStore:
You can download Simple Budget on the PlayStore:
- Revised design, Day theme only
- Firebase push notifications, In app messaging, Analytics, Crashlytics
- App security password feature
- Balance privacy on dashboard
- Currency searching / UI Enhancements
- Starting weeks from any weekday
- App open, Banner and Interstitial Ads
- Version history timelines in settings
- More apps / Privacy policy / Telegram Channel in settings.
- Edit / Create own categories of expenses.
- Category wise reports and total expensive for each category.
- Exporting/Downloading a PDF / Excel reports
- In app reviews
- Monthly Breakdown and PiChart
- Future Payements
- Category search new design added while adding/editing expenses
- Voice search added for category
- Multiple accounts
- Side navigation panel
- Budgets (Coming soon)
You can (Contact Us)
Copyright (C) 2024 SPS. The name "SimpleBudget", the app idea and assets (images, names, wordings etc...) are all under copyright.
Sources are availables under the Apache 2 licence (See LICENSE for details) and contributions will be warmely welcomed! Feel free to contribute :)