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No labels!

There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

Changes: Audio
Changes: Audio
Changes any ogg files
Changes: C#
Changes: C#
Changes any cs files
Changes: Config
Changes: Config
Changes any configuration files
Changes: Documentation
Changes: Documentation
Changes any xml or md files
Changes: Localization
Changes: Localization
Changes any ftl files
Changes: Map
Changes: Map
Changes any yml file in the Maps directories
Changes: Sprite
Changes: Sprite
Changes any png or json in an RSI
Changes: UI
Changes: UI
Changes any XAML files
Changes: Workflow
Changes: Workflow
Changes any GitHub workflow files
Changes: YML
Changes: YML
Changes any yml files
Priority: 1-Urgent
Priority: 1-Urgent
Must be resolved immediately
Priority: 2-High
Priority: 2-High
Needs to be resolved as soon as possible
Priority: 3-Medium
Priority: 3-Medium
Needs to be resolved at some point
Priority: 4-Low
Priority: 4-Low
Should be resolved at some point
Priority: 5-Whenever
Priority: 5-Whenever
Doesn't matter when this gets resolved
Pull Request Mirror
Pull Request Mirror
Mirrors a PR from another Repo. Automatically applied by mirror bot
Size: 1-Very Large
Size: 1-Very Large
For especially large issues/PRs
Size: 2-Large
Size: 2-Large
For large issues/PRs
Size: 3-Medium
Size: 3-Medium
For medium issues/PRs
Size: 4-Small
Size: 4-Small
For small issues/PRs
Size: 5-Very Small
Size: 5-Very Small
For especially small issues/PRs
Status: Awaiting Changes
Status: Awaiting Changes
Do not merge due to requested changes
Status: Derelict
Status: Derelict
Has not been active for a while
Status: Do Not Merge
Status: Do Not Merge
Do not merge
Status: Frozen
Status: Frozen
Do not merge due to current content freezes
Status: Help Wanted
Status: Help Wanted
Extra attention is needed
Status: Merge Conflict
Status: Merge Conflict
Status: Needs Cleanup
Status: Needs Cleanup
Someone has to clean this before merging
Status: Needs Discussion
Status: Needs Discussion
Must be discussed