fork 自 im-select
在 keaising/im-select.nvim 的基础上,添加了一个用于混合输入的功能,在配置中使用 hybrid_mode = true 设置,默认为 false
添加一个 second_method_selected ,当删除字符后,如果光标前的字符是英文或半角,切换至默认输入法,否则切换至 second_method_selected。
自动在 NeoVim 中切换输入法
旧插件 im-select 近在 Macbook 上有效,我只是使用纯 lua 语言写了这个 im-select 插件。
- macOS
- Windows and WSL
- Linux
- Fcitx5
- Fcitx(only switch between inactive and active)
- IBus
- 在不同 OS 上安装可执行对应程序
- 确保 NeoVim 可以读取对应程序
请安装 im-select.exe
并放入 PATH
Download URL: im-select
你可以使用以下命令检查 im-select
# find the command
$ where im-select.exe
# Get current im name
$ im-select.exe
# Try to switch to English keyboard
$ im-select.exe 1033
或者直接在 NeoVim 中使用以下程序
:!where im-select.exe
:!im-select.exe 1003
Please install macism
请安装 macism
Download URL: macism
在 bash/zsh 中检查
# find binary
$ which macism
# Get current im name
$ macism
# Try to switch to English keyboard
$ macism com.apple.keylayout.ABC
在 NeoVim 中检查
:!which macism
请使用其中一个输入法: Fcitx5/Fcitx/IBus
在 bash/zsh 中检查
> Fcitx
# find
$ which fcitx-remote
# activate IM
$ fcitx-remote -o
# inactivate IM
$ fcitx-remote -c
> Fcitx5
# find
$ which fcitx5-remote
# Get current im name
$ fcitx5-remote -n
# Try to switch to English keyboard
$ fcitx5-remote keyboard-us
> IBus
# find
$ which ibus
# Get current im name
$ ibus engine
# Try to switch to English keyboard
$ ibus engine xkb:us::eng
在 NeoVim 中检查
# find
:!which fcitx
:!which fcitx5
:!which ibus
config = function()
config = function()
-- IM will be set to `default_im_select` in `normal` mode
-- For Windows/WSL, default: "1033", aka: English US Keyboard
-- For macOS, default: "com.apple.keylayout.ABC", aka: US
-- For Linux, default:
-- "keyboard-us" for Fcitx5
-- "1" for Fcitx
-- "xkb:us::eng" for ibus
-- You can use `im-select` or `fcitx5-remote -n` to get the IM's name
default_im_select = "com.apple.keylayout.ABC",
-- Can be binary's name, binary's full path, or a table, e.g. 'im-select',
-- '/usr/local/bin/im-select' for binary without extra arguments,
-- or { "AIMSwitcher.exe", "--imm" } for binary need extra arguments to work.
-- For Windows/WSL, default: "im-select.exe"
-- For macOS, default: "macism"
-- For Linux, default: "fcitx5-remote" or "fcitx-remote" or "ibus"
default_command = "im-select.exe",
-- Restore the default input method state when the following events are triggered
set_default_events = { "VimEnter", "FocusGained", "InsertLeave", "CmdlineLeave" },
-- Restore the previous used input method state when the following events
-- are triggered, if you don't want to restore previous used im in Insert mode,
-- e.g. deprecated `disable_auto_restore = 1`, just let it empty
-- as `set_previous_events = {}`
set_previous_events = { "InsertEnter" },
-- Show notification about how to install executable binary when binary missed
keep_quiet_on_no_binary = false,
-- Async run `default_command` to switch IM or not
async_switch_im = true
-- hybrid_mode
hybrid_mode = false
second_method_selected = "shuangpin",