This document outlines and specifies the design of the software written by the Sierra College Computer Engineering Club for use in 2015 Sparkfun Automated Vehicle competition. This includes:
- The ovearching design, including its subsystems and modules
- Elaboration of the responsibilities of its subsystems and modules
- Justification of the design choices made such as the choice of module boundaries/interfaces and the algorithms used
- Detailed explanation of any equations or models used, such as the Kalman filter and Bezier curve implementations
- Intended hardware requirements
- Recommendations for modification or extension
- Any acknowledgements to contributers, which includes both members and nonmembers of our organization
- Design
- Technical Specification
- [Sensors Subsystem] (#sensors-subsystem)
- [Navigation Subsystem] (#navigation-subsystem)
- [Motion Subsystem] (#motion-subsystem)
- Kalman Filter Implementation
- Bezier Curve Equations
- [Hardware Used] (#hardware)
- [How to Use our Code] (#how-to-use-our-code)
- [Acknowledgements] (#acknowledgements)
- [License] (#license)
This software is divided into three major components: the [Sensors](#Sensors Subsystem), [Navigation](#Navigation Subsystem), and [Motion](#Motion Subsystem) subsystems. The software operates a TI microcontroller mounted on to an RC car and is attached to some sensors. A single flow of control through the entire system starts with the collection of GPS sensor data, magnetometer data, 10 samples of accelerometer and gyroscope information from a strapdown intertial navigation unit. The sensors subsystem organizes this information and sends it to a Kalman filter module, which uses statistical sensor fusion and a model of the vehicle's physics to extrapolate a location and heading. The sensors subsystem then takes this information and pushes it to the navigation subsystem. The navigation subsystem compares this information to its map, which is represented as a continuous series of [Bezier Curves](#Bezier Curve Equations). Then, it figures out the difference between the desired heading and the current heading, as well as the difference between the desired velocity and current velocity. The heading is converted into a steering angle in degrees. These values are pushed into a PID controller that adjusts the values according to its internal, configurable gain values. The new adjusted values are returned, and the new heading and velocity corrections are sent to the motion subsystem so that the ECS and steering can be adjusted accordingly.
##Technical Specification
TK, SENSOR READINGS After the sensor data is read and packed into a sensorData struct, this information is sent into a kalman filter. The filter uses a measurement model to map the sensor readings to a new observed state. The filter calculates a predicted observation by applying a system model to the previous record state estimation. The kalman filter then compares the observed state to the predicted state, and applies a gain value to this difference to determine a weighted average between the two. Lastly, the filter updates what it thinks its accuracy currently is. The details are in the Kalman filter section. The new state estimation is sent to the navigation subsystem inside a navData struct. The relevant files are sensors.cpp and kalman.cpp, and their header files.
The navigation subsystem begins by reading the filtered heading, position, and velocity data sent to it by the sensors subsystem in the navData struct. The current position is used by the bezier curve implementation to find both the closest point on the curve and also some point farther ahead on the curve that the vehicle should be traveling toward (the details of both finding the closest point and the destination are left for section five; this is referred to as a "rabbit-chasing" algorithm). The displacement vector from the current position to the desired one is the desired heading vector. The current heading and desired heading are converted to compass directions, with 0 degrees being true North (the Earth's magnetic declination is accounted for and configurable), a negative angle representing East, a positive West, and +/- 180 degrees being South. The current heading is then subtracted from the desired to find the steering angle required to get the vehicle oriented in the right direction. The desired velocity is encoded in the map, and the desired throttling is calculated from the difference between the desired and current velocity. These two pieces of information are stored in a motionData struct and sent to the motion subsystem. The relevant files are nav.cpp and bezier.cpp, and their header files.
The motion subsystem extracts the heading and velocity corrections and applies a PID controller to both of these values. The gains are configurable. The returned values are merely sent to the servo and ecs drivers, and the hardware responds. The relevant files are motion.cpp and pid.cpp, and their header files.
The general Continuous Kalman Filter is the optimal estimator for linear, dynamic processes affected by Guassian white noise. The Discrete Time Kalman Filter is the discrete approximation of this filter, and is the most often used variant of the Kalman filter in control systems (a notable exception to this role is missile guidance systems, which either use the Kalman-Bucy filter or a hybrid between the Discrete Time and Continuous variants). The Wikipedia article is especially illuminating in this regard.
In short, there are only a few major components of a Kalman filter. The first is the vector of state variables, s, which represents the state of the system at any point in time. In our case, this vector is composed of:
- the absolute x and y coordinates, where y is in the direction of North and x East
- the standard time derivatives dx/dt and dy/dt
- and the heading, which is the compass direction the vehicle is facing.
s = [x, y, dx/dt, dy/dt, theta]
The second component is some rule for transitioning from one state to another, written in the form of a matrix of coefficients F. If the system is nonlinear, this is a Jacobian of partials. Our matrix is a linear 5 x 5:
R1: [1 0 dt 0 0]
R2: [0 1 0 dt 0]
R3: [0 0 1 0 0]
R4: [0 0 0 1 0]
R5: [0 0 0 0 1]
These simply represent the rather trivial equations x(or y) = 1 + dt * dx/dt (or dy/dt), the velocity is assumed to remain constant, and the heading is assumed to remain constant.
The third component is some input vector u. This is traditionally the "control" applied to a system - forces, acceleration, etc. The wrong approach to modeling control in our case would be to let u be the vector [u_t, u_theta], where u_t is the throttle and u_theta is the angle of steering. This choice of control results in a nonlinear relationship between states, measurement, and control, and a Jacobian matrix has to be calculated. Instead of that, we employ an Alternative Direct Kalman Filter.
The typical direct Kalman Filter models everything in the most straightforward way: sensors are measured. The input to the system is the control. Our control would be throttle and steering, and the sensors would be the gyroscope, accelerometer, magnetometer, and gps module. The alternative direct kalman filter takes advantage of the fact that gyroscope and accelerometer data are already very good estimations for the control applied to a system: these, then, become your "input" to the system. The mechanism of the Kalman filter then practically corrects the bias drifting inertial navigation units against the less accurate but drift-stable magnetometers and gps units. The Kalman filter becomes linear, computational resources are saved, and accuracy actually becomes better because an attempt to model all of the dynamics of a rattling, racing rc car on pavement would introdue error purely from oversimplification in the model.
With those comments aside, we are justified in using a different control than what would be assumed from a straightforward interpretation of Kalman filter equations. The accelerometer and gyroscope data are integrated numerically across the 10 samples from each. The gyroscope is integrated once to get angular displacement. The accelerometer data is integrated once to get change in velocity, and then the history of measured velocities is integrated to get a final displacement in position. The change of velocity and the displacement are relative to the body frame of the vehicle: these are resolved by using the gyroscope data to rotate the vectors into the global frame.
Our control vector is therefore: u = [dx, dy, d^2x, d^2y, dtheta]. This is displacement, change in velocity, and change in angle. An input rule B has to be applied to convert the control into changes in state.
TK: Control matrix
Kalman filters account for a guassian white noise v that accompanies a process. If v has n elements, then v also has an nxn covariance matrix Q, where the ith,jth element represents the statistical covariance between the ith and jth elements of v. Elements along the diagonal represents the variance of the ith element of v. There are as many elements of v as there are elements of our state vector s. In our case, we have confused our process with a couple of our sensors, so we incorrectly model our INS noise as process noise.
We can now write the equation for our model.
s_k+1 = F s_k + B u_k + v_k
This says nothing more than "the next state should be the last state after a single state transition, plus whatever control was applied, plus some noise."
There are only 3 more components: those related to actual measurement.
We need a vector z that represents the measurement we observe at time k. This will typically just be every sensor you have installed. Ours is quite tame:
z = [x, y, dx/dt, dy/dt, theta]
The first four measurements are provided by a GPS sensor; the last is provided by a magnetometer.
We typically say that the measurement z is the result of mapping the state s to the measurement rule H. Our H is just a 5x5 identity matrix; tame indeed, given our choice of control. If we had gone down the nonlinear route, there would be some very pernicious partial derivatives here. Lastly, there is a measurement noise vector w, which is defined in the same manner as v, except its covariance is R and it has precisely the same number of elements as z has (each sensor reading has its own noise).
The "measurement model", quite naturally, is:
z_k = H s_k + w_k.
These two equations are not used in practice, but everything has been defined for a very clear explanation of how the Kalman filter itself actually works.
A high level overview:
- The Kalman filter starts with its last state estimate. It predicts what the next state should be by evaluating F s_k + B u_k, since the last input was known. This is known as the a priori ("before the facts") estimate.
- The filter puts its estimate into the measurement model and compares that to the measurement z by taking the difference. This is known as the residual.
- Then, the filter calculates how much it should correct between whatever it observes and what it estimated (remember that the filter provides the best guess given those two; this is called the "Kalman gain")
- The Kalman gain is applied to the residual and adds it to the a priori estimate, resulting in the a posteriori ("after the facts") estimate.
- The Kalman filter then figures out its new "error" matrix, which is its best guess for how well it's doing as an estimator. This is used in the calculation of the Kalman gain.
The most interesting thing about the filter is that it does not actually matter what values you observe. This is because your belief in your sensors is invariant, and shouldn't change! The Kalman Gain thus converges to a value, can be precalculated, and then inlined appropriately.
These are the equations of the Kalman filter:
This code is licensed under the MIT License, which gives any potential user the freedom to rewrite, repurpose, and redistribute this code without any assumption of warranty, so long as the license is redistributed as well. If you want to use our code with your own hardware, you need to write drivers for both the sensors and the motion units. A driver merely needs to implement the methods specified in the hardware section. Beyond this, however, the Kalman filter equations need to be reformulated. This includes adding an extra row to the measurement matrix for every sensor added, as well as adding another row and column to the measurement covariance matrix to represent the variance of the sensor added (its covariance is assumed to be independent of all of the other sensors). Simulating the matrix multiplication of those rows in code is necessary as well. An example of a sensor that we did not use, but perhaps you might, is a wheel encoder. Lastly, the scheduler and integrator need to be reconfigured to take full advantage of the sampling frequency of your sensors. We recommend you precompute the Kalman gain and inline it just as we have, because actual matrix multiplication is an unnecessary expense in this domain, and the gain converges to a constant matrix. Lastly, you might want to adjust the PID values we have set, although we quite like our values and think they are unlikely to change from one ECS/steering configuration to another.
James Smith is the lead developer for this project. He is responsible for much of the overarching design of this software, the primary author of over half of the code written, the author of some of the initial tooling and the telemetry system for easier testing and remote configurability, the one who proposed using bezier curves, pid controllers, and kalman filters, and an invaluable resource due to his decade of experience in professional software development.
Alex Norell is responsible for the selection and purchase of the majority of the hardware, the writing of the sensors subsystem, the assembly of the vehicle itself, and the progenitor of this entire project. His sheer knowledge of computer hardware components and low level design was indispensable throughout this project.
Kristoffer Semelka is responsible for the navigation subsystem, the bezier curve implementation, the Kalman filter equations specific to this project and their actual implementation, and the writing of this documentation.
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2014 James Smith, Alex Norell, Kristoffer Semelka
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.