Simple binary clocks (24-hour system, HH:mm:ss) for the Morphic Framework. Hours, minutes and seconds are each shown as 8 bit block in 2x4 columns.
As explained in, there are two common formats for binary-coded clocks: BCD and Sexagesimal.
Example output for a sexagesimal binary clock showing 10:12:30.
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Metacello new
repository: 'github://Salami555/BinaryClockMorph:master';
baseline: 'BinaryClockMorph';
Both formats are implemented: BinarySexagesimalClockMorph and BinaryBCDClockMorph
BinaryBCDClock showing the time for 10:12:30 (0001 0000 : 0001 0010 : 0011 0000)
BinarySexagesimalClock showing the time for 10:12:30 (00001010 : 00001100 : 00011110)
Create yourself an instance of it via its ClockMorphClass newInHand