Releases: ShikiSuen/Yuzuri-Font
Releases · ShikiSuen/Yuzuri-Font
1.007 Update
1.006 Update
Further tweaks of the kerning of the plus symbol.
1.005 Update
- Tweaked the metrics of the quasi and plus symbols.
- Supplemental kerning optimizations for the symbols tweaked above, plus the same optimizations towards brackets and the slash symbol.
1.004 Update
Added wildcard symbols for chord degrees, inversions (superscript), and chord intervals (subscript).
1.003 Update
- Fixed some kernings with punctuation marks and symbols like slash and "@".
- Replaced the symbol of "@".
1.002 Update
- Scaled the font to make it looks larger than before.
- Minor tweaks towards Arabian numbers used for added notes, inversions, and dominant intervals.
- Glyphs tweaks towards slab-serif roman numeral symbols (QWERTYU) to improve readability.
- Introducing sans-serif roman numeral symbols (ZXCVBNM). They are not supposed to be used for showing chords but for showing diatonic tones and degrees. They can be placed right after @ symbol.
1.001 Update
Diminished dominant symbol got tweaked a little.
First release.
v1.0.R30623 Update