FRXML is DOM-based light-weight & robust XML parser, written in C++17 - with a goal
that is to archive O(n)
level of memory occupancy,
regardless of how deep the depth of the xml document is
- lower is better
- zero-copy/single-pass parsing
- UTF-8 supported (without BOM)
- limited XML 1.0
- No
<! ... >
things such as<!DOCTYPE ...
or<!ENTITY ...
etc... - No entity(
) encoder/decoder (to achieve zero-copy)
Currently, FRXML doesn't support XML 1.0 specification yet. Below is implemented XML format with EBNF format:
document ::= prolog misc* element misc*
prolog ::= pcinstr? /* XML declaration is subset of pcinstr */
node ::= element | misc
misc ::= comment | pcinstr | S
element ::= norm_element | empty_element
norm_element ::= '<' name (S attr)* S? '>' content '</' name '>'
empty_element ::= '<' name (S attr)* S? '/>'
comment ::= '<!--' '<!--' ((CHAR - '-') | ('-' (CHAR - '-')))* '-->'
pcinstr ::= '<?' name (S (CHAR* - (CHAR* '?>' CHAR*)))? '?>'
content ::= node (S? content)?
#include <iostream>
#include <frxml.h>
int main()
std::string xml = R"(
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?γ¦γγ³γΌγγ― ε₯½γγ§γγ??>
<!-- HELLO! -->
<μ λμ½λ attr="μλ
νμΈμ" attr0="1"><xml3 />
<!-- HELLO! -->
</μ λμ½λ>
<?γ¦γγ³γΌγγ― ε₯½γγ§γγ??>
<xml2 attr="c"/>
<!-- HELLO! -->
frxml::doc doc{ xml };
if (!doc)
std::cout << std::to_string(error.exception()) << '\n';