Kickstart your prototyping process with Framer.js
In every prototype I build with Framer.js in Framer Studio (Get it now: I tend to use the same code to write more efficient code.
First, I delete all the example code. Then I import my Sketch or Photoshop file. Accessing a layer (folder in Sketch / Photoshop) would be a pain now. That's why I rename "sketchFileLayers" into "v".
# Renamed Default Import Sketch File
v = Framer.Importer.load "imported/sketchFile"
After that I paste in this code.
for layerGroupName of v
window[layerGroupName] = v[layerGroupName]
# Makes layers easy accessible
# Instead of: jakeluLayers.Conversation.opacity = 0
# Write this: Conversation.opacity = 0
for layerGroupName of v
v[layerGroupName].originalFrame = window[layerGroupName].frame
# Storing position of layers for later usage
# Usage:
# layerName.y = 90
# layerName.animate
# properties:
# y: layerName.originalFrame.y
Having the size of your screensize stored in variables is a huge timesaver.
screenWidth = Framer.Device.screen.width
screenHeight = Framer.Device.screen.height
# Usage:
# layerName.width = screenWidth
# layerName.y = screenheight - 100
I normally define an spring animation early on to use it on multiple layer easily.
spring = "spring(400,35,0)"
# Usage:
# layer.animate
# properties:
# y: 300
# curve: spring
No “ä”, “ö”, “ü”, etc. in folder names. Screws up the import. Also no Numbers at the beginning of the folder names is troublesome. Avoiding dashes in folder names also important. I use underscores.
In order to have the switch between two screens always easy at hand I have this little function ready.
screenSwitch = (current,next) ->
x: 0
curve: "ease-out"
time: 0.15
animationHideScreen = new Animation
layer: current
opacity: 0
time: 0.4
animationOrigin = new Animation
layer: current
x: screenWidth
opacity: 1
PS.btn_register.on Events.Click, ->