Collecting data since 2019
Here you can see detailed stats across products, categories, brands and search queries, export data to Excel, and use our tools
Our analysts will research what interests you and make a report. If you want, we can also make a dashboard with refreshing data
We will give you access to our data via an API and provide documentation
Monitor the competition, control the distributors' work
- Sales volume analysis for competitor brands — for any category or period
- Pricing control for every product, sepatately for each distributor
- Content completeness analysis for product pages
- Placement analysis for products in search results and category lists
Control your product range, expand to new niches
- Sales volume analysis in all categories to look for expansion opportunities
- Product matrix and stock control based on big data analysis over a long period
- Review response automation with detailed template, rule and stopword settings
- Competitor analysis by product matrix and pricing strategy