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Adding new strings

Hans5958 edited this page Mar 12, 2023 · 2 revisions

In most cases, you don't need to do anything specific after adding a new string or resources. Members with write access may trigger the Source Update workflow manually so that the additions appear faster on Transifex, but the workflow will run automatically as scheduled.

However, there are additional instructions for some type of resources, written below.

New pages

After waiting for the page entry to appear on Transifex, you should edit the metadata of it with the format below:

HTML, content

  • Name: HTML, content - [path after the first /]
  • Tags: html-content html content


  • Name: Markdown - [path after the first /]
  • Tags: markdown content front-matter docs

New kind of resource

When adding a resource that requires another entry on Transifex, you should follow the steps after adding said files on the Hugo repository.

  1. Add the resource on the .tx file. You don't need to add the source file since it would still be compared to the one on the Hugo repository. It's better to use the Transifex Go Client for this.
  2. Wait for the next update (or trigger Source Update manually).
  3. Edit the resource metadata on Transifex.
  4. Document the additions in Translating and i18n repository files.

If you need help on this, please contact us by using the Issues tab or through Discord.