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Releases: ScottishCovidResponse/covid-uk

Completed API Model version

12 Aug 15:54
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The API model run now utilises the data in the final form which is/will be made available by the SCRC API.

First SCRC Release

03 Aug 13:54
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This is the first release of the SCRC modified version of the LSHTM Covid-UK model. This contains many significant changes compared to the original including:

  • Initial Step Parameter Construction: Parameters are now all constructed as "step 1" with no latter modification following a convention x -> f(x) -> y.
  • Single region running: As opposed to creating parameters for and running every region in the UK simultaneously the model now runs based on the arguments it has been given greatly speeding up result production.
  • Removal of Most Hard Coded Values: with the exception of the format function which has yet to be understood, hard coded values have been removed from the main code with parameters being defined for a "vanilla" run now within a parameters.ini file.
  • Custom Scenarios: scenarios (known as "analyses" within the model) are now not preset based but rather defined via the parameter inputs.
  • Code Modularisation: the model setup (R code) has been split into modules and spread across multiple scripts for easier debugging and readability. This also allows for the two run styles of local and remote to be separated.
  • Command Line Output: Model now outputs information during run which can be stored within log files and again used for debugging/studies.
  • Test: Simple test to make sure the parameters produced within a local run match those produced prior to the SCRC modification.
  • API Running: Using the reticulate library in R, the Python based SCRC data pipeline is implemented allowing data to read as HDF5 and TOML files.
  • HDF5/TOML: Continuing from the above, the data included with the model have been converted to HDF5 and TOML files to be read in.