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Parsec - Resana Secure repository


  • client contains the resana-secure client
  • server contains different modules used for the server (antivirus-connector, IP filtering, ...)

Separation is made because client relies heavily on parsec-cloud (and has the project as a submodule) while server can use the version on pypi.


Developing client side

First the submodule needs to be set as a python package

git submodule update --init --recursive


poetry shell
poetry install

Make sure you have a matching python version, if not install it through pyenv.

The run_testenv script from Parsec can be used to set a local backend for testing within the client directory.

From /client, in /submodules/parsec-cloud:

Install dependencies for the script:

poetry install -E core -E backend


On Windows:


On Linux and MacOS:

source ./tests/scripts/

The client can then be launched

RESANA_DEBUG_GUI=true python -m resana_secure --config $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/parsec --rie-server-addr localhost:6888

XDG_CONFIG_HOME is generated with the run_testenv script, and RESANA_DEBUG_GUI enables the (small but functional) GUI to easily log in and log out devices.

The available routes can be found in the file, and can be called with commands such as:

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"email":"[email protected]","key":"test"}'


curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer <AUTH_ID>"