Extensions to simplify my life and have a little fun.
You can get just what you need by installing them piece meal, or get the whole thing with just the SVL.Extensions
Easily convert things to and from JSON.
var jsonString = myObject.ToJson();
var thatObject = jsonString.FromJson<MyObjectType>();
Easily convert a string in and out of Base64
var base64str = "This is a normal string".ToBase64();
var myNormalString = base64Str.FromBase64();
Get random elements from an array, or a list
var myList = new List<string>(){"1","2","3","4"};
var randomItem = myList.Random();
Have some fun and roll some dice! Stock sets included!
d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20, d100
var myMove = 2.d6();
var advantageRoll = 2.d20();
var whateverRoll = 13.d(27); //13d27