If you've never heard of Ferb Latin, you just take the first letter of every word Add it to the end And then say 'erb'
... It makes more sense in context to the song that goes along with it. You can check that out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CkUe13zOPsQ&pp=ygUKZmVyYiBsYXRpbg%3D%3D
Phineas and Ferb, Ferb Latin, Perry the Platypus, and "Where's Perry?" are all licensed trademarks and copyrights of Walt Disney Corporation. I claim no rights nor responsibilities for the use of this generator.
aveHerb unFerb!
Eventually fix the code so that punctuation like . or ! are moved to the end of the line rather than being stuck in the middle.