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Gluzberg edited this page Mar 17, 2017 · 19 revisions

Basic Features

  • Form (with splitter) done done
  • Fields (Input Text, each is Variant) done done
  • Send Button (Postback) done done
  • Form sent by mail (.net/sitecore) done done
  • Tentant Setting (Feature selection, remove from tenant rendering, set as new feature during installation) done done
  • Experience Editor Form buttons for rendering done done
  • Form Settings (mailserver, from, username, password, port, ssl) done done


Extension Features 1

  • Input-Checkbox done done

  • Select-List

  • Input-Date done done

  • Textarea done done

  • Form input to DB


Extension Features 2

  • Validation of input
  • Set field as mandatory done done
  • Report (depends on DB)
  • Conditional Fields
  • Tests
  • Checkbox-List
  • Captcha
  • Rendering Tree -> Content Tree



  • Integration of Unicorn
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