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Kotlin-DSL 😍

Migrating build logic from Groovy to Kotlin

Gradle 5.0 has been released with lots of features and especially with the support of production-ready Kotlin DSL

  • STEP 1 :

Update to Gradle Wrapper 5.0 or higher

  • STEP 2 :

Fix ALL String quotes -> single quotes to double quotes CTRL+ SHIFT + R

⚠️ Dont forget the settings.gradle file

  • STEP 3 :

change all space to () or = () -> function () / property =

  • STEP 4 :

apply plugin: "" to plugins { id("") }

  • STEP 5 :

Conversion -> rename build.gradle files from xx.gradle to xx.gradle.kts -> settings.gradle files to settings.gradle.kts

  • STEP 6 :

change release to getByName(String)

minifyEnabled to isMinifyEnabled

fileTree to fileTree(Map<String, ?> args)

  • STEP 7 : 👈

create buildSrc dir -> build.gradle.kts

migrate from groovy to Kotlin DSL DONE ! 😁