A full-stack eCommerce application built with the MERN stack, featuring authentication, PayPal payment integration, cart management, order tracking, and a dedicated admin panel for managing products, users, and orders.
Authentication & Authorization
- User signup, login, and logout using JWT and cookies.
- Role-based access control (Admin/User).
Product Management
- Browse products with pagination, search, and filters.
- Product details page with size and quantity selection.
Cart & Checkout
- Add, update, or remove products from the cart.
- Save delivery addresses for future use.
- Order summary displayed before payment.
Payment Integration
- PayPal API integration for secure payments.
- Order tracking and confirmation after payment.
Dashboard Overview
- View total sales, orders, and products at a glance.
Product Management
- Add, update, or delete products with image uploads.
- Manage product categories and stock inventory.
Order Management
- View, update, and filter orders based on payment and delivery status.
User Management
- View all registered users and their roles.
- Update user roles (e.g., promote users to admin).
- Frontend: React.js, Redux, CSS, Bootstrap
- Backend: Node.js, Express.js
- Database: MongoDB, Mongoose
- Authentication: JWT, Cookies
- Payment Gateway: PayPal API
- Hosting:
- Frontend: Vercel / Netlify
- Backend: Heroku / Render
- Database: MongoDB Atlas
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/your-username/ecommerce-clothing-store.git cd ecommerce-clothing-store
cd server && npm install
cd client && npm install